Monday, May 6, 2024

Program offers info on asthma

February 2, 2001

To Steve Springer, asthma is a potentially deadly disease that people need to be more aware of.

But for people who are educated and correctly follow a treatment plan, it’s manageable, said Springer, executive director of the American Lung Association, 403 Seymour St. in Lansing.

Healthy U, MSU’s health promotion program, and the American Lung Association, are sponsoring a free asthma education program for MSU students and employees.

“This is the perfect way to send a message that asthma is a chronic disease and needs to be taken seriously,” Springer said.

Breathing for Life will be held from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.on Feb. 9 at the Union. The event will feature presentations by area doctors on enhancing understanding of asthma and learning how to control it.

“People with asthma who follow their treatment program should be able to do anything they want without any problems,” Springer said. “There are people with the disease who run marathons.”

He said there is no real cure for the disease, but most people have varying degrees of asthma. He said based on how severe a person’s case is, along with their symptoms and medical history, a doctor can prescribe treatment.

Jon Kermiet, educational program coordinator at Olin Health Center, said the presentations will be valuable for people who either have asthma themselves or have a family member who has the disease.

“There will be everything from advice on when someone who thinks they have asthma should seek care, to demonstrations on how to use inhalers,” he said.

He said there will also be free pizza, fruit and beverages for participants. People who complete an evaluation form of the program will be eligible in a drawing to win gift certificates to area retailers.

The last day for program registration is today. Call Healthy U at 353-2596, e-mail or visit


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