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New dean appointed to medical school

February 15, 2001

The MSU Board of Trustees unanimously appointed Dr. Glenn Davis as the new dean of the MSU College of Human Medicine at its board meeting Wednesday.

Davis, a corporate vice president of academic affairs at Detroit’s Henry Ford Health Systems, will begin his term as dean at MSU in May.

MSU President M. Peter McPherson said Davis’ background made him an ideal choice.

“Dr. Davis is very well qualified and I am sure he will do an excellent job,” McPherson said.

Dr. Donald DiPette, chairman of the College of Human Medicine, was on the search committee that recommended Davis to the board.

“The dean is the primary leadership position of the college,” DiPette said. “We are pleased to have the ability to recruit Dr. Davis.”

DiPette said as the new dean, Davis will provide the vision and strategic planning for the rest of the faculty in the medical school.

The acting dean since April, Dr. Christopher Colenda said he is also looking forward to Davis’ leadership.

“This was a very wise choice by the committee, president and the provost,” he said.


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