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Report to offer area students job info

September 26, 2000

Students looking to embark on a new career after graduation will soon have an additional resource available to them, thanks in part to the university.

The MSU Career Services & Placement will offer a report Wednesday that some say will help make students aware of more career opportunities available in the Lansing and East Lansing area.

Lansing’s office of Manpower Inc., the largest staffing firm in the world, will release the report, which was researched and designed by two MSU students.

Journalism senior Carey McConkey and interdisciplinary studies and arts and humanities senior Alison Price teamed up with recent graduate Laurisa Overly to conduct the research.

Manpower Work Force Analyst Joe Ross is extremely excited about the final product.

“Lots of people need direction in their career for finding jobs for the future,” Ross said. “I am just thrilled that it turned out so well and that is has the possibility to be helpful to so many people.”

The report will let students know what skills, abilities and personal characteristics are needed to obtain jobs available in the Lansing area.

Also included will be a list of the 32 fastest-growing careers in mid-Michigan, growth percentages, pay range and what training and education is needed.

“The report will show people that it is not so much the degree you have but it is more about the skills that you possess,” said McConkey, a former employee of The State News.

“It can encourage people to keep their options open when looking for a job.”

The workers at Manpower started late last fall gathering the data that appears in the report and discussed the idea with Career Services in the spring.

Manpower Inc. worked with economists from the state of Michigan and the Federal Reserve to develop the report.

The information was then presented to 60 local corporations and businesses to confirm the data.

Researchers then met with certain groups to find out who needed the information the most - that’s where the university expressed its interest. Officials thought MSU graduates would benefit from the gathered data that is provided in the report.

Vernika Tyson, director of MSU Career Services & Placement, who also helped edit the report and give insights on what the students would need, agrees that the report is important for graduates that would like to begin a career in the Lansing area.

“The report reinforces the message to students that they need to be prepared for the current and future workforce,” Tyson said.

She also said with the booming economy in Michigan, the report will be even more important.

“This considerable development will require a talented workforce,” Tyson said.

“And the report will let graduates know how and where they can become a part of that.”

The reports will be available Wednesday in the Career Services office, located at 113 Student Services.


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