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City plans to build movie studio in downtown Lansing

June 3, 2008


CORRECTION: In story it should be clarified that City Center Studios is a joint development project from Gillespie Group and Ahptic Film & Digital.

It could be lights, camera, action for MSU after Lansing officials announced a $9 million project Tuesday that would create a movie studio in downtown Lansing.

At a Tuesday news conference, city officials announced they are in talks with East Lansing’s Gillespie Group and Lansing film production firm Ahptic Film & Digital to start the project, known as City Center Studios, which would include a 71,000 square-foot studio facility, including twin 24,000 square-foot soundstages.

For Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero, this means more jobs.

“What a tremendous opportunity to diversify and add strength to this economy,” he said. “Did I ever think we were going to be Hollywood, Michigan? I didn’t, but you are making a believer out of me.”

Matt Martyn, an MSU alumnus and executive producer of Ahptic Film & Digital, the second partner in the project, said the studio has the potential to have a great connection with MSU.

“Just the prospect of the involvement of the university puts me at a loss of words,” he said.

Recent legislation in the state also contributed to the project. On April 7, the state of Michigan introduced a legislation package that encourages movie production studios to come to Michigan with jobs, money and technology and utilize the workforce here, said Pat Gillespie, an MSU alumnus and president of Gillespie Group, the project’s developer.

A main aspect of the package of bills gives film studios up to a 42 percent refundable tax credit or cash rebate on production expenses in the state.

Other cities around the state are after movie production studios, but Lansing should not wait around and watch other cites capitalize on the opportunity, he said. The group wants to put Lansing on the map for movie producers.

According to MLive.com, since the bill was passed, Clint Eastwood and Drew Barrymore have been rumored to be looking for film locations in Michigan.

Gillespie said he would be thrilled for professors and students to be involved.

“We would love for them to come and teach class here, we would love to have them hands-on so they’re actually watching a set,” he said. “What a better way to learn than reading out of a textbook.”

They are already talking to producers of movies, sitcoms and educational programming, Gillespie said.

Having higher education involved in the studio is absolutely essential, Bernero said.

“I see MSU as here and they are stepping up and they are going to be providing that next level of leadership and talent for this emerging industry in Michigan,” he said.

Charles Steinfield, a telecommunication, information studies and media professor, said the studio would enhance the learning opportunities at MSU by drawing in guest lecturers.

“If a facility like this is a success and they do attract all sorts of productions, it will provide internship opportunities and career opportunities for students,” he said. “We are really excited about this and we wish them success.”

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