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"300" cheer shows unity, reflects Spartan history

There is a new roar from the Spartan student section, lacking originality but certainly not spirit. Of course, I am talking of the “What is your profession?” cheer borrowed from Hollywood’s blockbuster “300.” In response to This is (Not) Sparta, MSU and ‘300’ are different (SN 9/12) the author suggests the chant is not only unearned due to a lack of toughness, but the beginning of a revolution that will evidently tarnish MSU’s football tradition — leaving the band marching around in leather undies and capes, which is a bold visualization that both scares me and led me to write this response.

In actuality, despite coming from a movie, the chant is a reflection of historic Spartan warrior mentality and unity. It is a powerful cry that rallies the “300” warriors and can still have the same effect on our Spartans. MSU students and athletes often forget that we are named after one of the toughest, downright intimidating civilizations in history. This chant can only serve as a reminder to everyone in Spartan Stadium, especially the sometimes lackluster athletes, that we need to act as those Spartans did: proud and tough. The “profession” chant does not need to be earned through toughness as the author believes. When we aren’t playing tough enough, the cheerleaders don’t hold up a sign that reads: “Refrain from all “300” Chants, we are weak today.”

Doug Charron

finance senior

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