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Amid protest, Board of Trustees will discuss room and board rates Friday

April 12, 2018

Survivors of ex-MSU and USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar's sexual abuse Morgan McCaul and Kaylee Lorincz will lead a protest at Friday's Board of Trustees meeting.

McCaul and Lorincz will address the board, according to the event's Facebook page, and McCaul is inviting anyone who comes to stand up with her when she does.

In a statement, McCaul said she is outraged at a lack of accountability and and humility on the board. McCaul called on the board to resign.

"There has been no sincere apology from any Board member for the role that their lack of oversight played in hundreds of sexual abuse cases related to the Nassar case ... let alone the thousands that are unrelated," McCaul's statement reads. "I'm speaking up because our voices, survivors and the supportive Spartan community, have been categorically silenced by the Board of Trustees; this administration is charged with creating a safe, effective campus and they fostered one with a debilitating culture of sexual violence."

Attendees are encouraged to wear teal clothing and more than 50 "silenced" gags are being provided by protesters, according to a post by McCaul.

McCaul has stated on the event's Facebook page that activist groups Me Too MSU and Reclaim MSU have partnered with the protest.

At the meeting, the trustees will address a number of items.

A resolution stands to increase room and board rates by 2.97 percent more than the previous academic year in 2018-19, compared to last year's increase of 2.5 percent. A residence hall double-room for an undergraduate student will cost $122 more, and a silver meal plan will cost $174 more.

Rates will not increase for university apartments.

Among many staff appointments, Executive Vice President for Government and External Relations as well as Vice President and University Spokesperson positions will be officially created for Kathleen Wilbur and Emily Guerrant, respectively. The positions are effective back to March 12, with salaries of $320,000 and $180,000, respectively.

Renovations are planned for the T.B. Simon Power Plant, including the removal of retired coal-handling equipment and the installation of perimeter fencing.

IM Sports-East's gym and track will get a $2.15 million makeover, including opening the track to the gym below as part of the $35 million "Healthy Campus Initiative – Recreation and Fitness" to improve MSU's fitness facilities and programs. 

A $36 million project will add a 35,000 square foot wing to the Music Building as well as make significant renovations to the existing facility. Performance and rehearsal rooms, as well as office and studio space, will be housed in the expansion. Windows and air conditioning will also be improved.

Stay with The State News as we cover the meeting.

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