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More than simple beans
College students throughout the decades have long searched for ways to express themselves through music and spoken words.
Wanna roll? Belly-dancing surges in area
Whats the sexiest part of the human body? Well, according to the latest trend in the entertainment industry, its the tummy. As pop starlets such as Britney Spears continue to flaunt their sexy midriffs, many are looking for a way to accentuate it. A popular solution appears to be belly-dancing, the ancient Middle Eastern form of dance.
Senior has career dreams within sight
After fours years of working numerous jobs, attending classes and parenting, balancing lifes curveballs with career goals is something MSU advertising senior Rick VanHouse has found ways to do.
Senior has career dreams within sight
After fours years of working numerous jobs, attending classes and parenting, balancing lifes curveballs with career goals is something MSU advertising senior Rick VanHouse has found ways to do.
Music gives festival infectious feeling
As families trailed the band Bahamas Junkanoo parading down Albert Avenue in downtown East Lansing, the sounds of traditional folk musicians had many scuffling for seats in the grass to listen.