Thursday, January 2, 2025

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Mike Jenkins

Recent Articles


“Redskins” moniker inappropriate

Sitting in the Meridian Mall food court the other day sipping an iced tea, I witnessed a conversation between a group of middle-aged men discussing the Super Bowl and the case for the 1991 Washington Redskins being the greatest team in Super Bowl history.


Technology not only way to learn

My daughter Kelly’s graduation with a master’s degree from the University of Liverpool this December afforded my wife, mother-in-law and I ample reason to head “across the pond” to the United Kingdom this holiday season.


Don’t hesitate to ask about culture

Walking gingerly downhill on a narrow, winding street in Cadiz, Spain, paved in incredibly smooth and shiny stones bigger around than softballs, one of my companions, D.G. Schiltz, commented, “There are no championship rollerskaters from Cadiz.”


Technology’s role in art debatable

Many of today’s artists — whether their passion is painting, photography, music or another medium — utilize cutting-edge technology in their work. But when anyone with minimum skills using a software program such as Adobe Photoshop can make a piece in a few hours that, at least to unschooled eyes, looks as professional and impressive as a gallery piece, is it art or technology?


Expose yourself to new cultures

Straddling the top two steps of the wood porch of my parent’s house the summer of 1963, I wondered aloud, “Am I ever going to hate any type of music as much as my parents hate rock ‘n’ roll?” The answer, nearly 50 years later, is yes and no. Yes, because at one time or another since then, I have thought I absolutely hated country music, classical music, rap, hip-hop, alternative music and grunge rock.