Police Brief 05/22/08
A 38-year-old woman with no university affiliation had $127 in cash stolen from her wallet between 7:45 a.m. and 12:20 p.m. May 15, MSU police Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor said.
A 38-year-old woman with no university affiliation had $127 in cash stolen from her wallet between 7:45 a.m. and 12:20 p.m. May 15, MSU police Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor said.
Anti-gay hate crimes in the state of Michigan increased by 133 percent in 2007, from 97 incidents in 2006 to 226 in 2007, according to a report released by a state civil rights and advocacy group.
The rising cost of gas this summer may be putting some students’ travel plans on hold, but not Kim Stemp — Michigan Flyer Inc.‘s shuttle bus service has made her summer plans possible.
The Asian Pacific American population is increasing faster than any other ethnic group, but to Harold Core, the group’s impact and contributions have gone unnoticed. As Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in Michigan wraps up, the sixth-annual Asian Pacific American Heritage Day celebration will be held from 10 a.m.
Tracy Martincic said she did not choose to be homeless. Her fiancé, Iraq war veteran Steve Maxim, did not choose to be homeless either. These situations, Martincic said, are often misunderstood.
As part of the Farm Lane construction project, beginning Thursday, the road will be closed from Mount Hope Road, north to Wilson Road, and at the intersection of Farm Lane and Trowbridge Road.
The Lansing area has grown into a hub of insurance and financial activity, according to a report released last week by Capital Area Michigan Works! and Leap Inc., a Lansing-area economic development group.
About $755 of construction equipment was stolen from a 26-year-old male with no university affiliation at Demonstration Hall last Tuesday between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. MSU police Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor said.
Though many of MSU’s students have left the area for the summer, the East Lansing City Council’s discussion surrounding City Center II was under way Tuesday as residents attended the meeting to voice their concerns.
It’s “kitten season,” and the Capital Area Humane Society is looking for volunteers to provide foster homes for animals that aren’t quite ready for adoption — especially kittens.
Anthony Blixt has been practicing saving lives for 11 years. Blixt, a member of the Ford Motor Co.‘s Van Dyke plant Emergency Response Team, has been training at the Emergency Response Team Challenge since 1998, when it began at MSU.
All branch offices of the Secretary of State will be closed on May 26 for Memorial Day, according to a press release from Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land. The Secretary of State SUPER!Centers, which normally offer Saturday hours, will be closed on May 24.
While driving back from New York, Jeff Hank said he used his cell phone for everything from work calls, to getting directions, to letting his mother know he was safe. Cell phone usage while driving could be restricted as the Michigan House of Representatives considers a ban on cell phones as early as next week.
James Pivarnik, a MSU kinesiology and epidemiology professor, was voted as president-elect of the American College of Sports Medicine.
After about seven years at war, some lawmakers are looking to offer military members that have served in Iraq and Afghanistan benefits comparable to the ones offered by the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944, commonly known as the GI Bill of Rights, after World War II.
East Lansing residents may take safety precautions more seriously after a series of unarmed home robberies occurred Sunday in a one-hour span between 11 p.m. and midnight.
Gordon Guyer remembers the campus of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in 1947 — it was a place flooded with people, most of whom were veterans from World War II trying to get their lives back on track after returning from the war.
A 41-year-old woman with no university affiliation had $700 in cash stolen out of her apron at the East Lansing Art Festival around 11 a.m. Saturday, MSU police Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor said.
Michigan’s unemployment rate decreased from 7.1 percent in April 2007 to 6.9 percent last month — but state economic experts said it’s no cause for celebration.
While General Motors Corp. workers in Lansing Delta Township were back on the job Monday, American Axle and Manufacturing Holdings Inc. workers in Detroit and Three Rivers began voting on an agreement that would end strike negotiations.