Monday, October 21, 2024

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News | Msu


Change of life studied

The evolution of a single organism can take thousands of years, but two MSU professors, along with some scientists from California, have used a computer simulation to watch the process in seconds. Their findings - that the right environment can create a diverse group of organisms - were published in the July 2 edition of Science, a trade magazine.


Police: Arson suspected

Arson is suspected to be the cause of two trash can fires, which occurred shortly before 4 a.m. Thursday at Owen Graduate Hall, according to MSU police. There are no suspects in the fires MSU police Sgt.


Robbery probe continues with evidence collection

A small room in the MSU police building is made smaller and smaller as detectives move in and out like ants piling up stolen items on a table and chairs. The items, ranging from laptops to projectors, are evidence from an investigation involving multiple breaking and entering robberies in which East Lansing resident Yaaseen Jabraan Albert allegedly committed on campus since 2003. "Most of it came from pawn shops all over the state: Flint, Grand Rapids, Lansing, Detroit," MSU police Detective Steve Beard said. Beard headed up the investigation, and was familiar with Albert because he arrested him in 2000, the first time the 26-year-old was arrested for a breaking and entering felony in Ingham County. Because of the previous charge, prosecutors are asking Albert be tried as a habitual offender - which would allow the state to increase his punishment to life in prison, Ingham County Chief Prosecutor Stuart Dunnings III said. His district court preliminary examination was waived by assistant prosecutor Angela Lloyd on June 23, and the case was immediately sent to the Ingham County Circuit Court level.


Hate crime victim's memory inspires fund

Beginning in the spring semester of 2005, the university will award scholarships to student activists who work with issues relevant to students of color who are also a part of the lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender community. The death of 15-year-old New Jersey resident Sakia Gunn, which resulted from a 2003 hate crime, became the motivation for a scholarship.


Awards honor greeks for community service

Five members of MSU's greek community have been honored by their peers for their service to the community. President of Sigma Phi Epsilon and 2004 graduate Anthony Morabito received the title of Interfraternity Council Greek Man of the Year.


Truckers display driving prowess

If the upcoming National Truck Driving Championship is, as truckers say, the Super Bowl of safe trucking, then last weekend's 2004 Michigan Truck Driving Championship was the final competition of the playoffs.


'U' presentation to discuss disabilities

The MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine will sponsor a presentation Thursday entitled "Beyond Disability: Optimizing the Physician/Client Experience" as part of the ongoing Diversity Education Series. The event will begin at 12 p.m.


Police spot, arrest 2 suspects on campus

MSU police made two separate arrests Monday involving one suspect who fled from IM Sports-West, ending on the roof of Munn Ice Arena and another who has admitted responsibility to at least 20 thefts of property from various campus buildings, MSU police Sgt.


3 file sharing cases settled

Three of the nine MSU students who face legal action from the Recording Industry Association of America for illegally downloading and file sharing copyrighted music online have settled their cases. The amount of money agreed upon will not be disclosed, but RIAA spokesman Jonathan Lamy said the regular settlement trend remains the same.


'U' professor remembered as a role model, mentor

Professor David Stewart progressively lost most of his hearing as a young child, but turned what some would see as a hindrance into passionate fuel for deaf education. For friends and co-workers, they will no longer have the opportunity to work with Stewart.


'U' scientists help refine quark definition

An international science collaboration involving 11 MSU scientists has refined the mass measurement of an important subatomic particle. DZero, a group of university scientists and students from 18 nations, found a more accurate determination of the top quark particle may verify the Standard Model - a theory that explains how subatomic interactions occur - and would allow scientists to more completely understand the nature of the world and what holds it together.


'U' looking to receive federal tech money

MSU is one of 53 competitors in the running for a share of $24 million in funding from the state. The funds are made available by the Michigan Technology Tri-Corridor in order to promote research, commercialization and job creation in the sciences, auto manufacturing and homeland security industries. A panel from the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences reviewed 131 proposals from universities, nonprofit organizations and private research facilities on how to develop the three industries.


Construction begins to revamp Marshall Hall

Piles of broken bricks and mortar surrounded the exposed backside of Marshall Hall on Wednesday as construction began this week on the $6.86 million renovation. Marshall Hall was constructed in 1902 and later named after Professor Charles Marshall, an eminent bacteriologist at MSU.


'U' capital campaign ahead of schedule

The MSU fund-raising effort to raise $1.2 billion for the university before 2007 is ahead of schedule, campaign officials say. The Campaign for MSU moved into its five year public phase in September 2002.


Astronomers in awe over Venus transit

Venus will do something today it has not done in more than a century - it will line up exactly against the sun this morning, creating a black dot only visible through a telescope in what is called the transit of Venus.


Royalties from drug end due to expired patent

A MSU patent on a cancer-treating drug is up and will no longer provide royalties for the university. The drug, Carboplatin, which has had a dramatic effect on the nation, was a modification of Cisplatin, a cancer-treatment drug also discovered by MSU researchers Barnett Rosenberg, Loretta Van Camp and Thomas Krigas in the 1960s.