Saturday, October 26, 2024

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News | Msu


Professor’s technology leads to new company

When biosystems and agricultural engineering professor Evangelyn Alocilja began research in 2000 to create nanoparticle-based biosensors that could detect diseases, she never imagined she would one day become the founder of a company.

Alex McClung ·

U-M students get pied to support foreign aid

The whipped cream was flying Tuesday at the rock on Farm Lane, where ONE MSU and the University of Michigan’s chapter of ONE — a national organization that campaigns to end poverty in countries across the globe — joined forces for a cause.


ASMSU to fill board openings

After the loss of five members and a vice chair position on ASMSU’s programming board, ASMSU is looking for replacements while transferring duties to the group’s finance committee to ensure student events and groups can get funded. ASMSU is MSU’s undergraduate student government.


American Indian population grows in US

According to the 2010 U.S. Census, more than 5.2 million people identified themselves as part of the American Indian and Alaska Native category, whether alone or in combination with other races — a 27 percent growth from the 2000 Census.


Survey shows college freshmen have more academic motivation

This year’s freshmen are working harder and playing less compared to previous years, according to a national survey. The 2011 Cooperative Institutional Research Program, or CIRP, Freshman Survey shows first-year college students are entering college showing attitudes reflecting higher study priorities, less desire to party and more behaviors leading toward better academic success, said Linda DeAngelo, assistant director for research at CIRP. The survey polled more than 200,000 students nationwide and was administered by CIRP — the research arm of the Higher Education Research Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Kellie Rowe ·

Institute shares Chinese New Year with E.L.

A group of traveling performers from Jilin University in China traveled 6,000 miles to bring a little bit of home to the Lansing community. On Sunday afternoon, MSU’s Confucius Institute held the Chinese New Year Spring Festival to honor the Year of the Dragon at Dart Auditorium at Lansing Community College.


New acceptable use policy released

MSU Information Technology Resources released a revised Acceptable Use Policy, or AUP, on Friday. The AUP, which was last revised in 1992, governs the use of MSU’s IT resources.


TFA rally promotes student involvement

MSU alumna Ariadna Ginez, a Spanish teacher for Teach for America, or TFA, spoke to more than 200 people Saturday afternoon in Wells Hall at the Now More Than Ever Rally for Educational Equity, presented by TFA and ASMSU, MSU’s undergraduate student government.


ASMSU officer resigns citing conflicting schedules

ASMSU Vice Chairperson for Student Programming Emmanuel Williams has resigned from his post in the organization because of overwork and conflicting schedules, ASMSU General Assembly Steve Marino announced at the group’s Thursday night meeting. An interim vice chairperson will be appointed for two weeks until an election can be held to determine a replacement, Marino said.

Justin Wan ·

Tuning his teaching

For music education and music performance senior Matt Nix, music is what he has been devoted to for the past 13 years. But teaching it to young students still stirs a small identity issue within him.


Students propose a smoke-free campus

After some students raised concern about the amount of smokers near MSU buildings, student government groups are working to develop an enforcable solution. Council of Graduate Students, or COGS, President Stefan Fletcher said the issue of potentially creating a smoke-free campus likely will come up at next month’s COGS meeting after medical students raised the issue, and the council will discuss creating a concept for the proposed policy.