Monday, September 30, 2024

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News | Michigan


Absentee voting bill dismissed in Senate

A bill that would remove restrictions for absentee voting stalled in the Michigan Senate on Wednesday when legislators voted to leave it in a committee. The two-year session is scheduled to end Thursday and bills do not carry over into the new term. The bill, which was introduced by Sen.


State police welcome new troopers

Pounding out a rhythmic beat with their heavy boots, 89 men and women marched into the Lansing Center's Main Ballroom as Michigan State Police recruits - and left as troopers. Recruits from the 120th Trooper Recruit School graduation were sworn in and received their trooper badges on Thursday, after about five months of intense training.


Experts forecast drier winter

Snow enthusiasts might find less of the white powder than usual this winter, experts say. Winter temperatures are expected to be fairly typical, but snowfall is projected to be lighter this season, local and national meteorologists said. Throughout the winter weather season - defined by meteorologists as December through February - a weak El Niño system in the Pacific near the equator is going to lead to drier-than-usual conditions, said David Beachler, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service's Grand Rapids center. "We're pretty confident that the pattern we've forecasted for this winter is going to pan out," said Beachler, adding that even with the service's projections, nature can still be unpredictable.


Evening car accident leaves woman dead

A 34-year-old woman was killed by a police cruiser as she walked in the middle of an U.S. 127 ramp on Tuesday night, Ingham County Sheriff Gene Wriggelsworth said. Tina Marie Potter, who has no known address but has parents living in Ludington, was determined dead on the scene. Deputy Robert McElmurray was on his way to a call in Webberville, and as he exited northbound U.S.


Senate delays bill to allow state pipeline veto

The same day Rep. Michael Murphy, D-Lansing, held a town meeting to oppose a proposed gas pipeline running through Lansing, state senators announced they will not consider a related bill this year. Last month, the House passed a bill that would give the state government the power to decide if utility pipelines pass through city property on state-owned property.


E.L. council members to review renovations

East Lansing City Council members will get their first look at the semi-renovated East Lansing High School when they meet with the city's Board of Education tonight. The groups also will touch base on mutual concerns, such as snow plowing services, and will discuss the possibility of housing some school buses at a new East Lansing Department of Public Works site. Mayor Mark Meadows said the council is looking forward to touring the new high school during one of its quarterly meetings with the school district. "It was a big issue for the community when they voted to provide the school board with funds to make those changes," Meadows said. Construction on the $55 million project, which began in January 2001, is about 75 percent complete, said Paula Steele, principal at East Lansing High School. New music rooms, two gymnasiums, a 550-seat student union, an inside track and science laboratories are among the completed additions to the building, Steele said. The auditorium is scheduled to be completed in mid-December, and a media center will be finished by August 2005. "Everybody's been really patient," Steele said.


ID theft trial moved to undetermined date

Former MSU student Denita Dorsey's circuit court trial was moved to an undetermined date, county court clerks said. The May graduate faces 27 charges for identity theft and fraud of more than $100,000 from earlier this year.


IBM program to aid research

As a computer sits unused in a dorm room or office, a free program available online can contribute the idle energy to research for cures for diseases such as tuberculosis. IBM has unveiled the World Community Grid, a program designed to cut down on research time and increase cost-effectiveness for the companies who sponsor the projects, IBM spokeswoman Catherine Collins said, adding that anyone with access to the Internet can download the program into their computer. "The more people we get signed up for this, the more research we can get done," Collins said. Collins said because of the amount of computers at a university, MSU is an ideal place to implement the program.


Deer collisions up this season

Entering the second week of Michigan's firearm hunting season, state officials and insurance companies continue to caution motorists about deer on the road. The number of monthly deer-car crashes commonly begins to increase during fall months and peaks in November, but deer can present problems for motorists into early December, said Jim Rink, a spokesman for insurance company AAA Michigan. "Fall is mating season for the deer so they're generally more active