Sunday, September 29, 2024

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News | Michigan


Health, fitness day raises awareness among women

National Women's Health & Fitness Day was celebrated Wednesday with some marking the occasion at Contours Express in Okemos with special events. People at the small gym listened to guest speakers that provided services such as blood pressure readings, presentations on how to find the right workout shoes and medical massage therapy, Contours manager Margee Hutchinson said.


New initiative advocates oral health

The Michigan Department of Community Health announced on Monday a new oral health action plan that officials hope will improve dental health in Michigan. The plan has several points, but mainly focuses on improving oral health care and making it more available to Michigan residents, said T.J.


Commission closer to selecting party spots

The independent commission charged with investigating the April 2-3 disturbances moved closer to recommending a designated celebratory area for students on Tuesday, commission members said. The commission may suggest East Lansing officials allow property owners to apply to close streets to support large crowds, said commissioner Joe Tuchinsky, treasurer of American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan and its Lansing branch.


Lansing AIDS group to hold benefit walk

AIDS Walk Michigan and the Lansing Area AIDS Network will be holding a walk at 1 p.m. on Sunday at Valley Court Park in East Lansing. The event is being held in association with seven other walks throughout Michigan.


New cleaning business cashes in on busy, partying students

Sunday morning hits and the proverbial scene is set: Cups are everywhere, trash litters the floor and cupboards are sticky. An East Lansing house party has come and gone, leaving devastation in its wake. It's a student's demise, said electrical engineering junior Jim McGinn, whose apartment still has beer cans from Thursday. But to Charlie Moore the scene equals money. Or potential business at least. Twenty-nine-year-old Moore founded Get That Dirt Inc. to fill a business niche he discovered after talking with East Lansing friends and calling area cleaning services. "I heard (from) a few my friends who said they wished there was a cleaning service here - they were too busy, too tired to clean their own room," said Moore, a graduate student at Western Michigan University and an Okemos resident.


Public forum to focus on East Village plan

The East Lansing Planning Commission will host a public forum to discuss the East Village Master Plan on Wednesday. The plan could redevelop the area, which houses the Cedar Village apartments and six fraternities among other buildings, into retail space, apartments or condominiums. The affected area is bounded on the north and south by Grand River Avenue and the Red Cedar River and on the west and east by Bogue Street and Hagadorn Road. Peter Dewan, vice chair of the planning commission, said the forum will allow for "inclusiveness" with the public.


Commission to hold meeting about melee

The independent commission will meet from 8 a.m. to noon today in the Executive Conference Room of the Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbott Road. Commissioners will discuss possible recommendations for their draft report, due out before the Oct.


Court to rule on abortion

The Bush administration has asked the Supreme Court to reinstate a ban on the procedure commonly referred to as a partial-birth abortion on Monday. The case is part of a two-year, cross-country legal fight over the federal law and might be the beginning of a showdown that could eventually be swung by the president's new court nominee, John Roberts. On Sept.


E.L. woman crashes car in Spartan Village

An East Lansing woman crashed her car into a building in Spartan Village on Saturday, causing an estimated $25,000 worth of damage, according to an MSU police report. The 28-year-old woman was driving a silver 2005 Mazda 6 eastbound on Middlevale Road when she said she hit a curb and struck the building, MSU police Sgt.


Proposal could restrict raising gas prices

Gas stations could only raise prices one day a week if a Michigan group is successful in getting a gas control measure on the 2006 ballot and passed by voters. The People Against Uncontrolled Motor Vehicle Pricing, or PUMP, wants to restrict gas stations to raising prices only on Mondays.


City Council candidates prepare for upcoming polls, begin campaigning

With the East Lansing City Council election fewer than two months away, candidates have started campaigning and talking to the community about their platforms. Two of the five council seats are up for grabs as current Councilmembers Vic Loomis and Bill Sharp run for re-election in November. "The campaign trail has been going very well," Loomis said.


Greeks asked to help with drug-law reform

The Marijuana Policy Project Foundation, a group formed to fight marijuana laws, has asked more than 2,300 fraternities and sororities around the country to contribute money this week. The national organization is focused on reforming marijuana laws, said Bruce Mirken, spokesman for the Marijuana Policy Project. The group aimed its solicitation to fraternities and sororities because the effects of marijuana laws fall disproportionately on the college-age group and believes that marijuana should be taxed and regulated, similar to alcohol, he said. "If you are arrested for having a joint, you could lose your student aid," Mirken said. Members of the MSU greek system would not consider the cause if contacted by the foundation, said Cody Dawson, the vice president of external relations for the Interfraternity Council. Choosing to smoke marijuana is an individual choice and individual opinion, and not something the greek community as a whole would choose to represent in any way, Dawson said.


Houseless fraternity continues recruitment

Warning signs restricting access to Alpha Tau Omega's house were still posted on Wednesday as fraternity President Alex Brown prepared for a Recruitment Week open house. Even though their house is uninhabitable, the fraternity has set up a make-shift Rush site each night in front of the damaged fraternity house using a mid-size white canopy, some long tables and plastic folding chairs. "It's kind of hard showing (the pledges) the outside of the house and not being able to show them the inside and what it has to offer," Brown said. The three-story brick building, at 251 W.


Lansing area to gain 2 Macy's

Eleanor Long shops once-a-week at Marshall Field's in Meridian Mall. The East Lansing resident considers herself a good patron, but even so, she's not lamenting the news that 62 Midwest Marshall Field's stores will be replaced by Macy's next fall. Instead, Long said she'll welcome the new retailer, long synonymous with New York City shopping and its Thanksgiving Day parade. Federated Department Stores Inc. announced Tuesday it will convert Marshall Field's stores into Macy's to build the retailer into a national brand. Federated plans to extend Macy's to about 850 stores nationally, including locations at Meridian Mall and Lansing Mall, spokesman Jim Sluzewski said. "Stores like J.C.


Study: Oral sex on rise for teens

Almost 70 percent of teenagers have had oral sex by the time they are 17, according to a study released by the National Center for Health Statistics last week. The study, which is the first to look at sexual behaviors of both men and women to be released by the federal government, found 68 percent of both men and women ages 15 to 17 have had oral sex.


Officials seek student input in after-game party spot decision

Students are expected to play a major role in determining if an organized spot for students to celebrate after a major sporting event is established, MSU and city officials said. Members of the independent commission investigating the April 2-3 disturbances have discussed creating a specified party place on Bogue Street as one of their recommendations for its draft report, commission member Joe Tuchinsky said. "The likelihood is that there would be music provided, the street would be closed to traffic and it would be a place where people could let off steam, display their excitement, and scream and dance and yell," Tuchinsky said. East Lansing police Chief Tom Wibert said the feasibility of the event hinges on students' response. "It depends on if it's attractive enough to students that they show up," Wibert said.