Sunday, September 29, 2024

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News | Michigan


Various soybean types included in report

The 2006 Michigan Soybean Performance Report is available to give farmers performance evaluations on 205 different kinds of soybeans. The report can be found at and was developed by private companies and the MSU soybean breeding program. The information on the report includes topics such as yields, maturity dates, plant height and lodging scores. For more information, visit the Soybean 2010 Web site at


City's development slated for December

The demolition of two homes along Virginia Avenue could begin at the end of December, making way for a sweeping redevelopment project along the avenue's 600 block. The project is expected to cost East Lansing $3.3 million and calls for the demolition of all 24 homes along the avenue's 600 block.


Organic food rising in popularity

A $50,000 grant was awarded to the Michigan Apple Committee in October to fund organic research, which will be used to determine whether growing organic apples is economically feasible. The grant highlights a trend in the increasingly popular organic market, which has grown 28 percent since 2003 and pulled in $14 billion in 2005.


Police, students go head-to-head for charity

On Sunday, MSU police and students will kick, carry and tackle on the Duffy Daugherty Building football field to rack up touchdowns and dollars to benefit the American Cancer Society. The second annual "Flags for Charity" coed flag football game will match members of the MSU police with residents from Brody and West Circle complexes. The students claimed victory last year by just one touchdown against the team of 11 MSU police officers.


Mich. bill to OK marijuana use will likely stall

Michigan lawmakers heard testimony Tuesday for a medicinal marijuana bill that isn't likely to pass before the end of the year. The 2005 bill states a patient with a "debilitating medical condition" — such as cancer or glaucoma — will not be subject to arrest or prosecution for using appropriate dosages of marijuana in Michigan to relieve pain.


Drum class brings African culture to Lansing area

Lansing — Tom Machowicz's blue eyes opened wide with passion every time he spoke of the West African Malinké people during breaks from playing djembe at Magdalena's Tea House in Lansing. "Guinea is the poorest nation in the world, but it's probably the richest in drum music," he said. Machowicz spent a month in Guinea two years ago while studying traditional West African drum music. On Monday night, Machowicz taught the last of three $15 monthly classes to about 11 beginning drum players. Most of the participants played the djembe, a West African hand drum made of a tree trunk, metal rings, rope and goat skin.


Council to discuss possible ordinance banning homeless from parking structures

A potential ordinance for homeless people residing in parking garages and a downtown redevelopment project are among the items being discussed by the East Lansing City Council at its meeting tonight. The council members are looking to create an ordinance, which would deal with homeless people who take residence in some of the city's parking structures. "The purpose of the council meeting is to find out what the council would like to do about it," Assistant City Attorney Tom Yeadon said.


Single Business Tax to be debated Wednesday

Michigan's Senate Finance Committee will hear testimony on tax replacements for the Single Business Tax on Wednesday afternoon. Michigan lawmakers have about two more weeks in this session to find a replacement for the hotly debated Single Business Tax, which is set to expire in 2007. Gov.


CDC: Get flu shot now to avoid sickness during winter season

This month is the time to get a flu shot before the influenza season hits in full force later this winter, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More than 77 million doses of the flu vaccine already have been distributed across the country, and East Lansing residents can get theirs at Olin Health Center. The vaccine has a subsidized price of $15 for MSU students. "I've always thought the really old and the really young were the ones who needed it," said Lisa McDonald, who is studying to be a doctor. The premedical sophomore said she has no intention of getting a flu shot.


Film festival to honor E.L.'s 100th birthday

In honor of East Lansing's 100th birthday in 2007, the East Lansing Children's Film Festival is seeking submissions for its spring event. It's looking for live action or documentary films to be 30 seconds in length, suitable for all ages and submitted by Michigan residents.


Playboy model sneaks into city's Web site

When Lansing City Council Web site visitors view the council's newsletter, they ordinarily find information about how the council is amending its rules. But one click on the council's headlining link, and visitors will be sent to a pornographic Web site with a picture of a naked woman on the page. The Lansing City Council's Newsletter Web site at takes visitors to a photo of Feather Frazier baring it all in a 2002 photo for Playboy magazine.


MSU researchers turn secret police code into chemistry lab

Two MSU researchers took pages from a history book, unlocked East Germany's secret police code inscribed on them and turned the entire operation into an interactive chemistry lab — all the while making history. The pair, Lyman Briggs School science historian Kristie Macrakis and assistant professor of chemistry Ryan Sweeder, spent the last two years analyzing archives uncovered from the Stasi, the former East German secret police during the Cold War. The Stasi used a technique of printing hidden text on carbon paper infused with the chemical cerium oxalate, which was only visible after being activated by a separate chemical agent, Macrakis said. Macrakis received the declassified Stasi documents while she was studying in Germany before and after the Berlin Wall fell in 1989. "It's not just your magic pen; it's a lot more sophisticated," she said.


'Turkey' town to celebrate Thanksgiving

The name might be quirky, but in November, it's a perfect fit. Welcome to Turkey, Texas, one of three towns in United States named after the Thanksgiving table's star. "It's a pretty festive name," said 38-year-old Bud Ham on Tuesday afternoon. Ham works as a mechanic in Turkey. But there won't be any blown-out parades down the streets of Turkey on Thanksgiving.


Budget might cut education funding

Michigan schools might face unexpected cuts in this year's state budget. The state's House and Senate fiscal agencies' returns from 2006 tax receipts are about $130 million less than what was expected by lawmakers who created the 2007 budget. The 2007 fiscal budget went into effect Oct.


Polls, campaigns analyzed at post-election event

Proposal 2 had no chance of passing, despite some polls that showed the contrary, and voters lied in pre-election surveys to escape being "shamed and called racist, bigots and prejudiced," said one political analyst at a post-election discussion on Friday. The election wrap-up event at Kellogg Center featured three panels of pollsters, analysts and campaign representatives who discussed events leading up to the election.