Saturday, September 28, 2024

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News | Michigan


Police say Breathalyzer ruling won't alter actions

Local police said a recent district court ruling making it illegal for police officers to issue a Breathalyzer test to minors without a search warrant will not affect their current practices. As the law stood prior to the ruling Wednesday, police had the authority to force minors to take a Breathalyzer test — and those who refused could be issued a civil infraction and a fine of up to $100.


Students rally for funding

The sound of college fight songs from University of Michigan, Eastern Michigan University, Saginaw Valley State University and Wayne State University reverberated off the walls of the Capitol as about 200 students rallied for higher education funding.



Local investigators have reopened the 1970 murder case of a 19-year-old Lansing woman found dead on the outskirts of campus. Marie Ann Jackson disappeared from the Lansing area on November 13, 1970. Her body was discovered in a pine grove eight days later by a man looking for a hunting site.


Budget crisis stalls health legislation

Because the state Legislature has struggled to reach a budget agreement, an issue important to many MSU students is falling through the cracks — health insurance. Proposals that would allow students and others to remain covered under their parents’ health insurance plan until the age of 26 have sat idle since May.


Cafeterias impact businesses

Papa John’s Pizza is leaving its slice of East Lansing at 1105 E. Grand River Ave. With the closing, the chain store’s Lansing location at 1522 E. Michigan Ave. will deliver pizzas to East Lansing and campus residents beginning Oct. 1.


LBGT students seek spiritual support

Father Mark Inglot sees St. John Student Parish, 327 M.A.C. Ave., as a microcosm of the world, inclusive of all MSU students, faculty and staff. Their support group, One Spirit, is a way for them to reach out to the lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender community looking to strengthen their spirituality.


Calif. college offers students YouTube class

With film of a baby laughing hysterically or a bawling fan blubbering about Britney Spears, videos on tend to lure students away from their studies. For a class at a private, liberal arts college in California, students’ entire grade depends on posting, watching or commenting on such videos.


Graduates flee state as Mich. jobs disappear

A week after Ana Almonte graduated with a civil engineering degree in May, she left the state for a job with an engineering firm in Florida. “There’s just not too many opportunities in Michigan right now because of the economy,” said Almonte, who began working with CH2M Hill, an engineering and construction management company in Orlando.