Saturday, September 28, 2024

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News | Michigan


E-mail scam reported by E.L. residents

East Lansing police are investigating two related reports of a threatening e-mail scam. Two East Lansing residents reported receiving e-mails with the subject line “Be More Careful,” in which the sender threatened to kill them if they didn’t wire him or her $15,000.


Local restaurants prep for romance

Valentine’s Day dinner can mean candlelights, white tablecloths, steak, seafood, heart-shaped pasta and chocolate desserts. But Elvis? Several local restaurants are going beyond the norm today to set up for one of the restaurant industry’s busiest nights of the year.


Students talk food, sex, intimacy

Students searching for romantic allure this Valentine’s Day might direct their efforts to a sensual source. Health educators from Olin Health Center discussed the sexual appeal related to sharing a meal with a significant other Wednesday at the Spartan Dining Room located in West Holmes Hall.


E.L. City Council continues eminent domain discussion

City officials said a 621-space parking garage is necessary for the proposed redevelopment of land bordering Abbot Road and Grand River Avenue, despite 800 empty spaces, on average, in the city’s four downtown garages. While East Lansing’s four garages average 59 percent occupancy, Jim van Ravensway, East Lansing’s director of Planning and Community Development, said the ramps would be unable to effectively cater to the residents, shoppers and workers the city hopes to lure to the area through the $117 million City Center II development.


Council meeting preview

After delaying to acquire property for Virginia Avenue through the use of eminent domain, the East Lansing City Council will revisit the issue at its work session today. The council also will consider the cost of several city developments and repair projects valued at more than $3 million.


Zookeepers grieve death of Potter Park Zoo rhino

Grief counselors met with keepers from Potter Park Zoo on Monday following the sudden death of Spike, a 17-year-old black rhino. Spike was found dead in his stall two days after veterinarians noticed signs of discomfort. “He was a good animal,” said Tara Harrison, veterinarian and curator at Potter Park Zoo in Lansing.


Election draws student activism

With people between 18 and 29 years old representing 21 percent of the voting population, voters within the age range of MSU students are making their votes count with increased political activism.


Romney suspends campaign

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s decision to suspend his presidential campaign Thursday left some MSU students disappointed about his early exit.