Saturday, September 28, 2024

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News | Michigan


E.L. City Council to focus on nightclub

The redevelopment of The Dollar Nightclub and the city’s ethics policy are among the items to be discussed at Tuesday’s East Lansing City Council meeting. The meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. today in Conference Room A of City Hall, 410 Abbot Road.


Mercury in efficient bulbs poses minimal risk

As energy-saving compact fluorescent lamps continue to gain popularity across the country, environmental groups said possible hazardous turnoffs shouldn’t be a concern. At eight different locations on campus Tuesday, members of the environmental stewardship team will host a CFL giveaway during lunchtime hours.


Retailers unaffected by economic slump

The slumping national economy seems unable to harm Lansing-area shopping centers. Even with a wave of recent national retail chain bankruptcies and closings, including Sharper Image Corp., local malls and strip malls aren’t worried about the economic impact on their shopping centers.


Northwest-Delta merger could increase airfare

Flights to and from Lansing could be more expensive if a proposed merger between Northwest Airlines Corp. and Delta Air Lines Inc. is approved. The merger would create the world’s largest airline carrier and the Delta name would be retained.


Cedar Fest arraignments

Jaclyn Doroshewitz, 18 Landscape architecture freshman Charge: Disorderly conduct – obstructing, resisting or hindering an arrest; destroying, damaging or interfering with property, assembling for riot; minor in possession Maximum penalty: 90 days in jail and/or three $500 fines, MIP penalty dependent on prior offenses Plea: Not guilty Restrictions: No possession of alcohol or controlled substances, curfew from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. enforced by tether, daily preliminary breath test


3 years later, lessons learned

East Lansing police say the response to Cedar Fest shows they’ve changed since the April 2005 disturbances, which tarnished their image. And several local officials, who reviewed the 2005 melee, agree police have revised their practices.


'Recession' leads to deals

A possible recession might be suitable comedic fodder for’s marketing department, but it’s anything but funny to East Lansing businesses. recently began offering “Recession Specials” on its Web site, which marketing director Julie Shimshack said was a tongue-in-cheek method to encourage sales.


Mich. tourism sector on decline

The luster of the Great Lakes and Michigan’s natural beauty might not be enough to keep Michigan’s tourism sector from declining this year. Two MSU researchers, along with representatives from Michigan’s tourism sector, predicted the number of travelers will decrease by 2 percent in 2008, while travel spending will remain flat and prices for traveling will increase about 4 percent.


Protein, creatine can supplement a healthy diet

Calorie and carbohydrate intake are key aspects of bodybuilding, but there’s also a lesser known contributor to better muscle definition. Supplements, namely whey protein and creatine, can aid with nutrient intake and muscle tone, but must be used only in conjunction with powerlifting and proper dieting practices, nutritionists said.


Business reforms could be lucrative for graduates

Two state business reforms that could benefit MSU graduates were signed into law last week. The first law provides tax credits for anchor companies, which are companies that lure suppliers or customers to expand or relocate in Michigan. The size of those tax credits correlate to how many jobs are created and how much personal income tax revenue is generated.