Wednesday, September 18, 2024

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News | Michigan


Reward for credible information to locate Brendan Santo increases to $20,000

“The Facebook page Bring Brendan Home continues to raise awareness of Brendan’s story,” the Santo family said on the Facebook page. “The BBH Warriors (as we like to call them) are working tirelessly sharing posts, posting flyers, reaching out to influential person/persons and giving their support to our family. Our family is overwhelmed by everything everyone is doing. Our family remains hopeful that we will find Brendan and bring him home.” 


MSUPD addresses viral human trafficking concerns

"The baby car seat related to human trafficking is a myth and has been widely reported as an unsupported claim on the internet," Rozman said. "Other posts very similar to this one with different locations inserted appear in multiple places on the internet and all appear to be misinformation."