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Teaching interns face Chicago strike

Graduate student Laurel Denay went to Chicago expecting to be teaching high school students at King College Prep High School on the city’s south side. But a citywide teacher strike has interrupted her plans — instead of teaching lessons, she’s stuck at home making bulletin boards.


String of home invasions hits E.L.

After the series of invasions, the ELPD is advising residents to keep doors and windows locked, issuing a media release Tuesday morning. The robberies occurred in the Homestead Apartments, 426 W. Lake Lansing Road, and two other apartment complexes on Rampart Way and East Pointe Lane.


Snyder unveils health insurance plan

Lansing — Gov. Rick Snyder proposed sweeping changes the state’s largest insurance company, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, unveiling a plan today that would change the company to nonprofit status.

Matt Sheehan ·

E.L. celebrates new Torah

Song, dance and laughter filled the streets of East Lansing on Sunday afternoon as members from the MSU and Lansing Jewish communities carried a freshly scribed Sefer Torah Scroll from the Union to its new home at the Chabad of Lansing/MSU, 540 Elizabeth St. — a monumental event for the Jewish community.


Added bike lanes ease problems

For MSU Bikes Service Center manager Tim Potter, his commute to work can be a difficult one if there isn’t a bike lane. Between sharing the road with motorists, who often yell at him for riding on the shoulder, to a couple of close calls with CATA buses, biking without a proper lane isn’t ideal. “Bicyclists do venture out into riding in the road; it’s pretty scary,” Potter said.


A humbled Obama takes the stage

On Thursday night, as President Barack Obama officially was accepting his party’s nomination for another term in the White House at the Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte, N.C., I was holed up in a hotel lobby three blocks away scrounging for public Wi-Fi to watch the speech — sadly, on C-SPAN, because a student journalist is last on the VIP list for exclusive presidential access. For the past three days, I had been running all over the city covering events that are pivotal to the Democratic Party platform and the President’s re-election efforts, including caucuses targeting a specific demographic of voters and rah-rah gatherings by legislators who have devoted themselves to Obama.


MSU trustees will vote on project funds

Although it’s several years from completion, the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, or FRIB, could take a big step forward today if the MSU Board of Trustees votes to approve a $55 million budget during their monthly Board of Trustees meeting.


Delegates share experiences at DNC

Curtis Audette and Joyce Lalonde are about 45 years apart in age. In terms of experience at a Democratic National Conventio, which they both are attending this week, that’s a huge difference; Audette, a social relations and policy sophomore, is attending his first convention this week in Charlotte, N.C., while Lalonde, an MSU alumna, is attending her seventh convention in about the past 30 years.


Romney guided by Mormon faith

When Mitt Romney was nominated as the Republican presidential candidate Tuesday at the Republican National Convention, or RNC, in Tampa, Fla., he had his first chance to formally introduce himself to the American people.