Saturday, September 7, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Up for review: Mean Girls at the Wharton compared to Broadway

Another review from Entertainment Reporter Liz Nass, reflecting on how it was to see one of the newest classics on Broadway for the second time in a different setting: NYC to the EL. Spoiler warning for anyone who has been living under a rock and hasn't seen the early 2000s chick flick. 


Alicia Olatuja previews upcoming Wharton performance

When Alicia Olatuja was pursuing her master’s degree in Classical Voice/Opera at the Manhattan School of Music, she noticed almost all of the composers she studied were men. When she started to ask where all the female composers were, her professors shrugged off the question.  


The fight against book banning at MSU

A ‘banned book’ is a book that has been removed from a library or educational institution because they are deemed too controversial or inappropriate to read. Some MSU professors and librarians are passionate about getting these books into students hands. 


Today's controversy: Joe Rogan's polarizing podcast

Twitter is not sure how to feel about Joe Rogan and the accusations of his podcast spreading misinformation. Neither is Spotify, not providing guidance on how or if Rogan should be silenced or continue on the path he is on. Students of MSU explore each side of the argument. 


Drama Update: Kanye's chaotic social media presence

If you haven't seen an Instagram story flooded with a personal meme or message Kanye West has posted recently, you would be one of the few. West is publicly spiraling about his divorce, allowing for the whole internet to participate and take a side between some of Hollywood's biggest celebrities. 


Manic femininity

You have probably seen people tweeting over their "manic and obsessive era." Maybe you have tweeted this yourself. Culture reporter Quynh Anh Tong discusses how this sentiment came to be and the implications it harbors for our life. 


Greenwood District Studios on the brink of closure

Greenwood District Studios is Michigan’s first independent, black-owned film studio that took over the Lansing mall cinema in October 2021. It was named in remembrance of the 1921 Tulsa Massacre. The studio includes a community space where filmmakers and producers can come and produce independent films.