Sunday, June 30, 2024



Students share laughs at comedy show run inside local house

Laughter is the best way to fight the blues away, or at least that’s what mathematics senior Tom Gannon says. Gannon is a comedian and the founder of the comedy show, 825 Albert Comedy. About once a month, Gannon and his friend Pat Hoban, rearrange the furniture in Gannon’s living room to host the free comedy show. “Comedy is like a relaxed form of art and if it’s good people don’t have to work too hard to feel it,” Hoban said. Around the time of each show, Gannon and Hoban make funny, sarcastic fliers to put up around campus.


Akers Hall Government collects socks for 'Socktober' charity event

For the past few weeks, the Akers Hall Government has been collecting socks for a fundraising event called "Socktober." The idea for Socktober came from the popular YouTube star Kid President, and after watching the video, Akers Hall Government decided it wanted to be a part of this fun charity event. “Socktober is really an event that is going on across the country, it’s not just an Akers Hall thing,”    Michelle Newgent, assistant community director, said.


Historic MSU Cycling Club rides together, educates on bike safety and maintenance

The MSU Cycling Club has been around for over 100 years. They were started in 1894 as the M.A.C cycling club, and used dues to create a gravel path along Grand River for cycling. Although the Cycling Club began as a fad for MSU students, today it is still around for the interest of cycling. "We’re just a student run club that is interested in all types of cycling, so a lot of the club focuses around road racing,” said Alex Corrion, plant pathology, PhD student and president. The club promotes bike safety and awareness for students who join.


Sorority commemorates domestic violence awareness month through candlelight vigil

Domestic violence affects men and women around the world. Many are victims of physical, verbal or mental abuse. According to national statistics, one in three women and one in four men have been victims of domestic violence.  October is domestic violence awareness month, and to commemorate that, Sigma Sigma Rho sorority held events this week to spread awareness. On Wednesday, October 21st, the sorority held an event called “Find Light Amongst Darkness. The members lit candles and read off domestic violence facts in honor of people that are victims. Priya Adusumilli, psychology and communications seinior, and president of Sigma Sigma Rho talked about why the topic of domestic violence is so important. “It’s a taboo topic, especially since domestic violence happens with people that you know and it’s like your relationships and you don’t want to mess those relationships up,” said Adusumilli “Even if you don’t talk about it there are people that care about you and they want to help and you just have to take that one step to let them help you.” Dhatri Nandyala, human biology and biomedical lab science sophomore set up the event in order to bring light to such a sensitive topic. “It was to bring light to the issue that people are so taboo about, even yesterday when we had people take a pledge against it, most people felt uncomfortable,” said Nandyala. With an issue like domestic violence, some people don’t know a lot about and who can be affected by it. The event helped open the eyes of students that may not know much about the topic.