Tuesday, October 8, 2024

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Big results

Jessi Ruselowski has avoided the gym ever since she found herself lagging in the back of a packed jazzercise class. However, a new addition to the video game world has since allowed her to stay in shape on her own terms.


Pink futon accents jazzy, Victorian dorm

The State News caught up with MSU social work sophomore Mallori Fogler about her stylish dorm room in Campbell Hall. Fogler and her roommate turned their room that overlooks Grand River Avenue into a unique living space with pink, black and white accents.


Energy drinks expensive, lack nutritional value

They are in bars, gas stations, fraternities and restaurants, not to mention pretty much every corner store on and around campus. Drinks such as CRUNK!!! Energy Drink, Red Bull Energy Drink and Monster Energy have made a name for themselves on campus as both great study tools and party aids.


What's hot this fall

Fall is just around the corner, and with the change in seasons comes a necessary change in wardrobe. Don’t wait to snatch the top 10 must-haves.


Lower drinking age necessary to minimize risky behavior

It’s a good thing I didn’t start indulging in my nightly cookies and milk before I opened your e-mail! Thank you for your comments, although I must say that “reserved” has never been one of the qualities that I hold dear to my heart, nor do I believe that being reserved has really ever been a causal factor in change.


SN Style: Europe meets india rock in this traveler's wardrobe

The State News caught up with MSU student Colette Ngana to talk about her indie-rocker-meets-casual-student style. Colette’s style is influenced in part by her worldly background. Living in France for three years and traveling Europe showed this premedical freshman how to express herself by mixing cultural stylings.


Hello, my name is Dave Bernath

After traveling around the country, one of the co-owners of Flat, Black & Circular, Dave Bernath, saw stores selling music and thought he too could sell music. Since then, Flat, Black & Circular, 541 E. Grand River Ave., has been in business for 30 years.


She's got the beat

Twirling her baton and pumping her arms to the beat, Rachel Linsmeier looked over at Ian McNabb during a Spartan Marching Band practice Friday. The band stopped, evaluating their performance and trying again despite the late-August heat and humidity. Practice makes perfect, and that’s what every drum major wants the band to be.


Freshman fifteen Q's

College is a whole new world for many freshmen traveling campus for the first time. The State News sat down with one of these brave explorers to get a glimpse, in 15 questions or less, of a new face on campus and her perspective on her new frontier.


Student relates personal experience

Jennifer Kaluarachchige is an engineering senior and for three years has been an officer of the Sri Lankan Student Association, a club that looks to bring Sri Lankans together in the community. Kaluarachchige sat down with The State News on Tuesday to talk about her club and background; here is a look at what she had to say:


Don't sweat it

With classes beginning and more unpacking to do, the little things in life can be more annoying to deal with. Although there are plenty of tips out there about study habits, how to take notes or success strategies for exams, little issues that come up along the way might seem worse than they really are when time is limited and schedules are packed.


Stress awareness

Stress is the body’s response to events that upset our personal balance. When we feel threatened — emotionally or physically — the body begins an automatic process called the “fight-or-fight” response.