Tuesday, October 8, 2024

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The taste of summer

There’s something about the weather changing from the bitter cold of winter to the warmth of summer. Whether it’s trading those boots for sandals or going from a winter wonderland to a golden tan, those few months of sunshine are the ones that many people look forward to all year long.


Freshmen fifteen Q’s

College is a whole new world for many freshmen traveling campus for the first time. The State News sat down with one of these brave explorers to get a glimpse, in 15 questions or fewer, at a new face on campus and her perspective of her new frontier.


Soups from scratch delight cafe customers

For Nick Gavrilides, owner and head chef of the Soup Spoon Cafe, it has always been about the food. So when the Lansing native saw the opportunity in September 2007 to open a fresh restaurant and offer made-from-scratch entrées, he had to take it.


Preserving the past

As MSU has grown from being the Agricultural College of the State of Michigan in 1855, so has the city of East Lansing. When Michigan Gov. Fred Warner signed a bill authorizing the city’s charter in 1907, East Lansing consisted of a mere 700 residents and stretched more than two square miles of land.


Cashing in

It’s likely that as the semester is dwindling, so is your bank account. Whether you already have a job and need some extra cash, or are focused on school and need an easy way to make money, The State News took a look at some slightly less conventional moneymaking ways.


Casual use of pill may be hazardous

I wanted to know how you feel about using Viagra for longer sex. I am 20 years old and I really don’t have a problem keeping it up, but I have heard that it will make you stay up longer. Are there any side effects or problems with me using it?


Freshmen fifteen Q's

College is a whole new world for many freshmen traveling campus for the first time. The State News sat down with one of these brave explorers to get a glimpse, in 15 questions or fewer, at a new face on campus and her perspective of her new frontier.


Balance over Burnout

Hershey Jayasuriya sometimes studies for 12 hours a day. As a second-year student in the MSU College of Human Medicine, she and the other students in her classes are expected to put all of their effort into learning about everything that can go wrong with a human body and how to fix it.


Pursuing happiness

The Beatles. Anne Frank. Buddha. Helen Keller. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Susan B. Anthony. Thomas Jefferson. Whether they sang about it, wrote novels about it or spoke about it, all of these people had their own ideas of just what it was that makes people happy.


Pain issues common for MSU students

Is it weird for a 19-year-old female to have back pain? I have been carrying my backpack for some time now, but recently whenever I put it down at the end of the day, my back is sore and I now wake up with a sore back. Is that normal, or should I see a doctor about it?


Student builds electronic paradise

Studio art junior Josh Spencer has made a night at the movies more than just a night out — it’s a living space. With a projector screen that takes up almost an entire dorm room wall, Spencer has created a home theater in his Shaw Hall dorm room that has now become a staple in his college lifestyle.


Freshmen fifteen Q's

College is a whole new world for many freshmen traveling campus for the first time. The State News sat down with one of these brave explorers to get a glimpse, in 15 questions or less, at a new face on campus and his perspective of his new frontier.


Scoops serves up DIY ice cream

A local business allows customers of all ages to express their creativity and build a masterpiece — except the work of art may consist of crushed Reese’s Pieces, fresh raspberries and hot fudge. Or it could be a combination of broken Oreo chunks and a drizzled caramel, marshmallow topping.