Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Steering committee lacks commitment

The MSU Energy Transition Steering Committee has been in progress for more than a year and they don’t have a plan that will set our goal of 100 percent renewable energy in a reasonable amount of time. President Lou Anna K.


Absence makes the heart adjust

While reading The Detroit News the other day, I came across an article about long-distance relationships and, because I’m on the brink of one myself, I eagerly read it in hopes of discovering some new information about dating long distance.


New security measures ineffective

Case Hall recently implemented a card scanner system that requires a student ID to open doors to living quarters. This follows the lead of several other dormitories in response to concerns about student safety.


Potential grants not realistic option

Senate Democrats have been discussing a new policy initiative that could possibly offer grants to in-state students attending public universities in Michigan, but its success could be detrimental to the state. The Michigan 2020 plan, as Democrats are calling it, would provide nearly full tuition — about $9,500 a year — to in-state students who have spent their whole K-12 education in Michigan schools, including public, private and home-schools.


Student input key to better RHA services

The Residence Halls Association, or RHA, conducted a health and safety survey to figure out how aware students are of its services, and the results were telling. RHA Director of Health and Safety Zachary DeRade said on a scale of one to 10 of how aware students were of RHA’s health and safety services, the average response was a five.


Cleaner cars mean cleaner future

Growing up right outside of the Motor City, I always felt a torn loyalty between the jobs of many friends and family members employed by Detroit’s auto industry and our environment.


MSU needs to close education value gap

When people pay more for a service or good, they expect to receive a higher quality item. But according to a recent report by Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Magazine, MSU students are experiencing increasing costs disproportionate with the quality of the university.


Get the most out of time at MSU

MSU is a large university, so many students here seek ways to become a member of something smaller to establish relationships with fellow students and university faculty.


Allow me to introduce myself

Growing up, I started talking at a very early age. My parents like to joke that I haven’t stopped since, and they’re probably right. It didn’t take much of that talking for them to realize I was very opinionated, either.


Work left to do at Guantanamo

Jan. 12, 2012, is the 10th anniversary of the day when terrorism suspects were subjected to indefinite incarceration in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, generally in the absence of any charges or trial.


Violent rhetoric obscures choices

January marks the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court decision that struck down many repressive state laws criminalizing abortion. The right to make one’s own intimate medical decisions is not only a legal imperative but also empowering and provides a path toward social and political equality.


Renewable energy no fairy tale

“Trust the process.” This is what student environmental activists in groups such as MSU Greenpeace and MSU Beyond Coal have been told time and time again by MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon.