Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



The end of the academic year

I often have been amused and mildly disturbed by the way The State News and MSU students close an academic year. On April 29, 2011, for instance, “A Year in Review” in The State News focused on the exhilarating football championship, disappointing basketball season and no classes due to snow.


Employees have right to privacy

A newly introduced bill in the Michigan Legislature could protect employees from having to provide passwords for their social media profiles, taking a fundamental measure in protecting employees’ privacy. The bill was introduced in the Michigan House of Representatives last week by Rep.


Recognize power as students

As I stood in the middle of Farm Lane on May 1, I couldn’t help but wonder why there were exactly three of us standing in front of the rock commemorating the International Worker’s Day.


Policy goes beyond politics

No one can disagree with the fact child sexual abuse must stop. I realize this is a topic that people quickly avert their eyes from because of how uncomfortable this issue is. It gets swept under the proverbial rug, and we even might refuse to acknowledge it completely.


Obama’s support is a step toward change

In an unprecedented decision, President Barack Obama spoke out last week in support of gay marriage, leaving some to speculate whether his stance purely is for political purposes or was prompted by the actions of his Cabinet.


Rep should fight for cleaner air

Money talks in politics, and while U.S. Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., rakes in the cash, constituents such as me suffer. Upton has used his time in Congress to repeatedly block clean air standards which would safeguard public health from pollution spewed out of power plant smokestacks.


Greet new ideas with open mind

I am honored to be the new opinion writer for The State News this summer. As an employee of The State News and a freshman double majoring in journalism and international relations through James Madison College, it feels as though I’m almost starting to write as many words as I speak on a daily basis. This realization caught me by surprise.


Bill package might slash youth vote

In every election, importance is placed on the youth vote. Because they’re viewed as the future of this country, young people usually are encouraged to participate in elections early and often.


Lab will increase assault awareness

Sexual assault and rape are severe crimes that can often go unsolved. But with the implementation of a specialized rape kit testing laboratory, these crimes against people, including MSU students, could be analyzed quicker and more effectively. The specialized laboratory that will be used to analyze the DNA of sexual assault victims on MSU’s campus will be implemented in Michigan State Police’s existing Northville, Mich., laboratory beginning this summer.


Recognize fossil fuel difficulties

I cannot help but feel the letter titled “Fossil fuel alternatives feasible” (SN 4/19) overlooks significant challenges in transitioning to alternative energy and even presents some false information.


Young passion inspires enthusiasm

Last week, I had the privilege of attending the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association, or MIPA, spring conference in Lansing, which hosts high school and middle school journalists from across Michigan who receive awards in newspaper, yearbook and video journalism. MIPA is something that is near and dear to my heart because I was, as they call attendees, a “MIPA kid,” and I remember the excitement I felt when I won awards during my time at Traverse City Central High School’s student newspaper, The Black & Gold.


Give final exam week adequate preparation

Finals week is daunting to most MSU students, and with a high grade-point average being the intended goal for many, it’s important to remember to maintain health — both mentally and physically. Finals week is known to cause students to stretch their mental and physical capabilities beyond what they’re used to.


Flexible housing efforts fulfilled

March 28 stands among my proudest days as a member of the Spartan family. It had nothing to do with our nationally recognized academic programs or our top-notch sports teams, though I certainly am proud of them as well.


Medical amnesty bill gains more support

Some students have faced the daunting situation of choosing to get themselves in trouble with law enforcement in order to save a friend’s life. With a new medical amnesty bill, which just passed the Michigan Senate last Wednesday, this scenario now might be avoided.