Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Ryan ignores women’s rights

Since Mitt Romney named Paul Ryan as his vice presidential candidate and running mate, I’ve heard a lot of negative accusations thrown around about Ryan. One of which is that “Paul Ryan hates women.” After a bit of research, I have reason to believe that there may be some truth to this statement and urge you to consider it before casting a Republican vote this November.


"Hate crime" taints MSU welcome week

A recent alleged hate crime targeted a Jewish MSU student with vicious and torturous physical punishment. Although only one side of the story has been reported, and police are investigating whether or not the incident was a hate crime and who was involved, these types of horrific events are forcing the MSU community to re-evaluate if anti-Semitism is an issue, and how inclusive MSU really is.


Dreams grow, develop with age

If someone were to have asked me one year ago what my dream job would be, my answer would have been completely different than the one I would give today. Although the answer might be different, and perhaps I am delving into new forms of study, it does not mean the “dream” in “dream job” has died, just reshaped.


Bill package all-around poor idea

House Bill 5711 and House Bill 5713 suck, and that’s the nicest thing I can think to say about them. Last month, Michigan Sen. Rick Jones quickly pushed the anti-abortion super bill through the Senate Judiciary Committee and on to the Michigan Senate to be voted on.


Go out and vote in today’s primaries

Today’s primary might seem to be not as big of a deal to some as the upcoming Nov. 6 presidential election, but it is still important for East Lansing residents and MSU students to vote in today’s primary.


Michigan lacks “cool” factor

Michigan has a Cool Cities Initiative, which was instituted by Gov. Jennifer Granholm in 2004, “aimed at revitalizing cities in Michigan to make them more vibrant and energetic.” The primary push behind the initiative was the debilitating amount of recent college graduates who, upon graduation, immediately located the nearest exit and ran straight through it.


MSU finally finds ANGEL replacement

Following years of deliberation and searching and students’ continued technological problems, MSU has finally chosen a new learning management system, or LMS, to replace the nearly obsolete ANGEL.


MSU hosts exclusionary Group

Campus and East Lansing often play host to a barrage of summer camps and conferences during the summer. Sports camps, leadership summits and youth groups from all over the state and the nation come to MSU’s world-class facilities to utilize the mostly vacant student housing during the hottest parts of the year.


Thoughts from abroad

The Office of Study Abroad reports that close to 3,000 students travel overseas each year on university-sponsored programs. This does not surprise me. Everyone and his or her brother, it seems, has been across the ocean at least once this summer, and they all have the Facebook photos to prove it. My friends have been checking in from all corners of the globe — so many places that I can’t even keep track.


Laws won’t change human nature

As the nation reels from the massacre in Aurora, Colo., the debate over gun control has once again reared its ugly head. Rather than have an unwinnable debate about our right to bear arms, we should have a more productive discussion on human nature ­— a much more unchanging topic, but one that dictates everything society has to offer.


Olympic time delay bothersome to many

The Olympic Games are an event every two years that helps to unite countries from across the world. Although conflicts continue to occur among countries, athletes are given the chance to put these differences aside for a couple of weeks and unite in a competitive atmosphere while representing their homelands.


College cost tool useful for students

The cost of attending college has risen for the past several years, and many students have a hard time grasping the effects of student loans and comparing the many costs of higher education.


Disco dancing on Bastille Day

I come from an exceedingly frugal family. My parents decided at a young age that instead of taking lavish vacations, they would rather pay for me to go to college debt-free. Although when I was younger I was angry when spring break would come around and I would be home alone while others were on vacation, I appreciate it now more than ever.