Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Cartoon was misunderstood

This is in response to Ebuni N. Mosley’s letter “Jackson cartoon was degrading” (SN 1/26). I have to begin by saying that Mosley completely missed the point of Justin Bilicki’s cartoon in last Wednesday’s paper. Bilicki’s cartoon in no way depicts black people in a negative manner.


Cartoon provoked fun, not racism

I was recently disturbed by Ebuni N. Mosley’s letter, “Jackson cartoon was degrading” (SN 1/26). What you fail to realize is Bilicki’s cartoons poke fun at those in the political spotlight, regardless of race or ethnic background. Your letter illustrates a growing problem in America.


RHA has fought hard for peepholes

The Residence Halls Association has been leading the fight to have peepholes implemented into the residence halls for over ten years. I personally have been involved in many intense discussions and debates concerning the battle for peepholes the last two years - last year as an Akers Hall representative, and this year as the Asian Pacific American Student Organization representative for RHA. We have spent countless long, hard hours working with the Department of Residence Life, University Housing, the administration, Michigan State and East Lansing police departments and many other groups and institutions to get where we are today - to ensure that peepholes could be installed in all of the residence halls. The State News must stop sensationalizing its stories.


Bushs charity could lead to religion-based discrimination

President Bush’s plan to allow faith-based programs to be federally funded opens the door to discrimination against a variety of religious groups.On Monday, Bush signed two executive orders establishing the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives.


Letter pertaining to Christ false

This letter is in response to Beau Taylor’s “Christ was not a civil rights leader” (SN 1/25). Although I have not read the letter Taylor responded to, I feel some of his remarks demand my reply.


RHAs resolution passed in 1999

I would like to quickly address the issue that was raised with regards to RHA’s lack of effort on the issue of peepholes (“Safe living,” SN 1/24). First, I would like to begin by stating a few facts. One, the resolution that RHA passed supporting peepholes was passed unanimously in fall of 1999.


Christ existed, can be proven

This is in response to two letters that have been printed in The State News last week: “Christ deserves day off like MLK” (SN 1/22) and “Christ’s beliefs not felt by all” (SN 1/23). The first letter, by Eric Bjornstad, argued that our university should recognize Jesus Christ as a public servant in a way similar to the events that took place on Martin Luther King Jr.


At 21, life comes to a blinking game over

There is a natural order to what can be considered life’s biggest thrills when you are growing up.Much like a video game, we seem to advance to higher levels and while gaining experience, we also earn privileges.It all starts in the fifth grade.


Columnist not offensive to all

I would like to address Joe Pennell’s opinion letter “Columnist was highly offensive” (SN 1/26). I understand you took offense to Brian Emerson Jones’ column, but what exactly did you take offense to?


End profiling

The Lansing police’s attempt to stop racial profiling is a step in the right direction, but it will not get to the core of the problem. The police will be using demographic data from all traffic stops to help track racial profiling.


No support

Then President-elect George W. Bush announced his nomination of Ashcroft for attorney general Dec.


Man identified in wrong manner

In the Wednesday issue of The State News, a police brief stated a robbery suspect was a masked man and described him as Asian Pacific. This is an amazing and disturbing description of a criminal perpetrator that could have serious repercussions in a community with a small population of Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islander students, staff and faculty. I would like to know how a masked man could be described as Asian Pacific.