Thursday, September 19, 2024

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While it is unfortunate Lansing Community College may eliminate six programs, it is an understandable move. Early this month, LCC President Paula Cunningham recommended the elimination of six of the college’s programs.


Latest bombings will only enforce stereotype

Hypothetical question: What would you do if you had an area of the world seething with religious differences, military conflicts and resentment toward the United States?If you said launch an unprovoked air strike and kill a few people, then you totally agree with our president and government.The decision of our government, along with Britain, to send 24 warplanes to attack radar and air defense sites south of Iraq’s capital, Baghdad, was hugely misguided.This attack killed a woman, Ghayda Atshaan Abdullah, and a man, Khalil Hameed Alwash.


Put Earnhardts death on Page One

As auto-racing is the second most popular televised sport in the nation after football, I was surprised to see The State News coverage of the tragedy at Daytona 500 buried on page 2 of the sports section on Monday.


Affirmative action not for everyone

This letter is in response to Ashley Bell’s column on the “benefits of affirmative action,” and how it is beneficial to everyone (“Affirmative action is beneficial to everyone,” SN 2/20). I myself am a white male, and believe I have been shorted by the concept of affirmative action. Applying to almost all major universities in the state with an extremely good high school GPA, ACT score, plethora of extracurricular activities and early application dates got me accepted to almost every school that I applied to, save one.


Not all gun owners are extremists

On behalf of Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners, I would like to commend the businesses which are barring the petition circulators who are trying to overturn the new concealed weapons law that our elected representatives passed. Our members are law-abiding gun owners, and many are offended by the actions of this small band of extremists.


Discrimination policy should be changed

My friend Mark is waging war against our former school district. He isn’t asking much – just two little words – but the school board refuses to budge. Mark is fighting to make sure gay students are protected by the district’s discrimination policy.


Politicians need encouragement

It’s time to move on. I am writing in response to Matthew Hagbom’s letter plastering former President Clinton with accusations about pardoning Marc Rich (“Clinton’s pardon was questionable,” SN 2/15). What a sad world we live in when we only look at politics with a negative eye.


Michigans ranking in womens health issues is not shocking

Michigan’s low rating in women’s reproductive health is not surprising. The National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, an organization that conducts an annual study on women’s reproductive health, gave Michigan an “F” rating and ranked the state 45th in the nation.


Increase will help residence halls

I am writing this letter to you to talk about RHA’s proposed tax increase. I want everyone to know the $3 tax increase is not to spend the money on ourselves, but to spend the money on our constituents. First, there is legislation coming to the floor to kick an additional dollar back into the halls.


Flooded walkways should be avoided

This is a response to “Block off flooded paths on campus” (SN 2/13). I thought America reached its lowest intelligence level when I heard the XFL was the highest-rated program its opening weekend - then I read this letter. How many other people did you see struggling for their lives in the river?


Napster not doing anything illegal

Napster’s “illegality is undeniable?” Hmm. The illegality of its users might be undeniable, but the legality of Napster itself is not so simple (“Logged off,” SN 2/13). Napster does not possess, transmit or in any way deal with copyrighted material.


Ad reflects need for coverage, awareness

Believing that people, though sometimes stupid, are basically good on the inside has made going through life a little easier for me. Believing when someone hurts or offends me, they truly might not realize how what they said affected me, has made me a more forgiving person. And believing there is a difference between being racist and being unaware has made me realize The State News has a problem. On Monday, we ran an ad for a sorority’s self-defense class.


Ad reinforces stereotypes

I agree 100 percent with Angela Pok’s letter that stated the depiction of the perpetrator in the self-defense ad was offensive (“Self-defense ad offensive, wrong,” SN 2/14). Although I did not assume the man was black, he was obviously a man of color - which could be Latino, Asian, Arabic or black.