Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Letters for U

The university should be complimented for its decision to award varsity letters to former female student-athletes. MSU’s Department of Intercollegiate Athletics announced Tuesday it will award varsity “S” letters to female student-athletes who competed before 1980. MSU began recognizing women for participation in varsity athletics in 1975, three years after the NCAA passed Title IX.


Column showed lack of experience

I am writing in response to Rishi Kundi’s article in Friday’s paper (“Concert-goers still need to show basic etiquette,” SN 3/16). I think is it foolish of him to say he still hates hippies, because it’s obvious he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. It bothers me he called them “smelly,” “stinky,” etc.


Students should find other transportation on campus

While the increase in the price of parking tickets will most likely not deter students from parking illegally, it may encourage students to explore other transportation options.The All-University Traffic Committee recently finished a proposal that recommends higher fines for parking violations on campus.The committee’s report stated there were 117,637 parking violations, including cars parked illegally in leased spots and at expired meters in 2000.The proposal would add $5 to current fees.


Financing U

Although programs exist for low-income students, universities need to make a better attempt and accommodate their financial needs. The number of low-income students applying for college is rising, but the amount of financial aid money is not. The Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance recently released the Access Denied Report, which analyzed the financial situation of students entering college.


Religious beliefs should be shared

I would like to address some of the comments that were raised in “Religion should stay within house of worship” (SN 3/15), as one of the college students who went down to Panama City, Fla., to share my faith about Christ. I did not go down to Panama City in an attempt to force my religious doctrine on anyone, or to convert as many people as possible to Christianity.


Eating disorders can be overcome

I would like to applaud Kathryn Garvale on her column, “Pop culture trivializes dangers of eating disorder” (SN 3/12). Whether Kye Tidey’s (“Eating disorders are not diseases,” 3/14) faction of society regards anorexia and/or bulimia as a “real” disease, there is no question that battling these eating disorders is a terrible struggle many women and men in our society must face daily. It is about time the inappropriately casual use of the term “anorexic” is confronted in the media.


Assumption was uncompassionate

I am writing in response to Kye Tidey’s letter, “Eating disorders are not diseases” (SN 3/14). It troubles me such an ignorant and uncompassionate way of thinking still exists in our society.


Trip canceled

The university should be complimented for cancelling a Study Abroad trip to the United Kingdom and Ireland. The Food, Agriculture and Environmental Systems program that was to be held this summer was temporarily canceled because of the foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in Europe.


Omo column was completely wrong

I must respectfully disagree with Michonne Omo’s assertion that social alienation and teasing leads to school shootings (“Target missed on causes of school shootings,” SN 3/13). In fact, I must say I believe it to be completely off-base. First of all, there are dozens of school shootings every year.


Column was well- written, provoking

Having read Brian Emerson Jones’ column, “Church and state should be kept separate” (SN 3/14), I am motivated to write and commend him on a thought-provoking and well-written piece.


Letters ideas were insensitive

I am writing in response to Kye Tidey’s letter “Eating disorders are not diseases,” (SN 3/14). The writer’s assumption that anorexia nervosa is a choice, not a disease, strikes me as a bit naive and insensitive.


More Funds

It is commendable of the state House Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education to propose a bill to bring more finding to MSU, but it is unlikely the bill will pass. The subcommittee sent on a bill that would give $22 million more in state funding to MSU.


School shooter should be blamed

I am the type of person who respects others’ opinions and tries not to enforce my own on anyone else, but when I read the recent opinion column dealing with the subject of school shootings, I was outraged (“Target missed on causes of school shootings,” SN 3/13). How can anyone dare place blame for the killings on anyone but the shooter?