Putting the 'rush' into rushing unfair
Being judged from one quick interview doesn’t show who you truly are, and it certainly doesn’t make you any less of a person.
Being judged from one quick interview doesn’t show who you truly are, and it certainly doesn’t make you any less of a person.
While we don’t advocate delaying housing plans until the last minute, there is no need to feel rushed or pressured.
Listen up, all you mass transit miscreants. I’m sick and tired of dealing with your offenses.
Spartan Village is old. We understand that, and so does Residence Education and Housing Services, or REHS, which has devised a strategic plan that puts the demolition of Spartan Village Apartments between 2017 and 2020. It’s time to tear it down, but not without first considering the massive displacement that mainly will affect international and graduate students.
When you can learn to stop focusing on the things other people have and focus on yourself, you’ll discover that it’s easier to get the things you want. You might even find out that you already have them.
Apparently, some schools such as the San Fernando Valley in California send home “healthy or unhealthy” letters to alert parents if the school deems their child overweight or obese.
Acknowledging that LGBTQ issues are worth learning about is a stride toward spreading awareness and acceptance on campus. Later, it could inspire students to take that tolerance out into the workplace.
Truly, giving back to the community around us is in the spirit of being a Spartan. As it is Homecoming week, I hope to end with the thought that this spirit is “super.”
When you add up the damage that the meat industry does to the environment, animals and human health, the question isn’t really “Why should I go vegan?” — it’s “Why wouldn’t I go vegan?”
Let’s cross our fingers and hope this bill passes for the sake of curbing student loan debt and for the sake of Michigan’s future.
Sometimes things might seem overwhelming or uncomfortable, but that does not mean you shouldn’t pursue these experiences.
City council decisions directly affect students. For example, the party litter ordinance city council enacted in 2011 created $50 to $400 in fines for cluttering lawns and streets with post-party trash. The council also has the power to cap the number of patrons at bars in town, pending input from the Planning Commission, which would affect nightlife.
I’ve trekked across Washington, D.C. in the dead of night by myself without blinking an eye. I’ve made my way home from downtown to my apartment in Philadelphia unsupervised and never thought twice. And I’ve walked home from The Peanut Barrel to my apartment past Harrison Road more times than I can count.
There are pros and cons with every major decision made by university groups, but in the long run, a bike share program could benefit students.
Sometimes people will imply that a homosexual couple isn’t capable of taking care of a child. I feel slighted; I wasn’t given a chance to explain that I’m better taken care of by my sister than I was by my own mother. No one stopped to ask about how my sister did things for us throughout our lives our mother forgot.
If we want to compete with other Big Ten universities, there’s no getting out of it. To preserve the distinction and merit that MSU holds, raising faculty salaries to reflect and attract faculty excellence is a necessity.
Do guys have an innate quality to know every football or sports-related statistic? Maybe not. But at times it seems to me that most do. Whether guys are discussing their fantasy football leagues or who played in the Final Four last year, I’m astounded constantly at the fact that so many men are sponges to the language of sports.
Don’t like that big ugly building across from Rick’s American Cafe? Now is the time to speak up.
And even though I had to sell myself, I knew going greek would be a great choice because of all the future possibilities: volunteer work, community service, social networking and, most important for me, finding a brotherhood.
MSU must signal to the rest of the country that this is a place where students can receive a world class education while having a bit of fun as well.