Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Forced Worship

Instead of being a unifier, God stands to divide the United States, at least when it comes to the national motto and the recent Michigan legislation encouraging its placement in state government buildings.


Huge salaries ridiculous, should be earned

As I sat in my office contemplating the conditions of the world and our country, thinking about the disasters occurring in the Middle East, children kidnapped from across the United States, terror continuously on our minds; I chanced to hear a radio commentator speaking of the horrible possibility of another professional baseball strike.


Bad medicine

A new study shows the top three programs used to educate and prevent school-age children from using drugs - Drug Abuse Resistance Education; Here’s Looking at You, 2000; and McGruff’s Drug Prevention and Child Protection - are either ineffective or haven’t been sufficiently tested.


Hitting the poles

The time has come again. The candidates have campaigned, the issues have been debated. All that remains is for voters to make their decision. But with Tuesday’s election only being a primary, it may seem as though an individual vote does not matter.


Hippies, med students and the hip: time to finish list of campus groups

As promised, this week I have composed a second and final part to my “Field Guide to Spartan Cliques.” The first part, published in these pages two weeks ago, stirred up a veritable hornet’s nest of indignant feedback, provided that those hornets are all dead and the nest is in the trash - in other words, nobody wrote me a damn thing.


SN endorses

With continued budget shortfalls expected in Michigan’s immediate economic future, the decision of who will be the state’s next governor is one voters shouldn’t take lightly.


Obesity not to be blamed on food

I just read Jacquelyne Froeber’s column regarding the obese man that is trying to sue the fast food places (“ Obesity not the fault of the food chain, everybody knows burgers aren’t health food,” SN 7/29). Froeber was so right and I loved the column.


Activism for everyone, best way to make sure good things happen

With a lot of people I know, including myself, activism has been something we’ve sort of stumbled into - a direction we didn’t know we were going to choose until we were already smack in the middle of it. It starts off with something as simple as having an opinion, and the next thing you know, you’re picketing at the state Capitol, demanding some sort of change and the word “now” is usually nearby. People tend to be careful when identifying themselves or others as “activists.” The word has become synonymous with angry, disgruntled, often nonstraight, hippie types, who have nothing better to do than burn flags and chant, “Hell, no!


Enough, already

The Lansing City Council should get a move on it and approve Wolverine Pipe Line Company’s request to build a gasoline pipe within the city limits.


Sloppy Spartan

Current efforts to clean up and repair MSU’s aging Sparty, believed to be the largest free-standing ceramic statue in the world, are necessary and, unfortunately, a regular event.


Power Play

Lame-duck Gov. John Engler is using what’s left of his political weight in Lansing to grasp onto control of the state government - and trample the rights of the state’s residents in the process. On Thursday, Engler vetoed more than $850 million in state payments to local governments for the 2003 fiscal year, threatening to nearly bankrupt local governments if three November ballot initiatives are approved.


Level playing field

The debate over the Michigan’s high school girls’ athletics seasons returns to court Thursday as a federal judge plans to rule on a blueprint to end discrimination in interscholastic sports.