Thursday, September 19, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Get to know the people who share your floor

I have a confession. Besides my roommate, I haven’t made much of an effort to get to know many of the people in my residence hall. With classes so far away from my room in East Neighborhood (also known as the edge of the galaxy) and my workplace, I often leave early in the morning and don’t get back until after 11 p.m. That makes it hard for me to participate in many of the activities my RA plans.


Break down language barriers with time and attention

“Are ya goin’ to the meetin’ er whaa?”Strung together in quick succession and wrapped in an authentic up-north drawl, the question was nearly incomprehensible on first listen.When I heard it, I just stopped in the middle of the hallway and stared at my teacher, who’d said it. I tried to process, doing a little Yooper-to-English translation in my head.It took me a second, but I got it.


College experience is not one size fits all

When a person thinks of what an average college experience is like, a number of stereotypes quickly pop up. For example, they might think of a frat party with excessive amounts of drinking. Or maybe they’ll think of a nerdy kid constantly in the library with his head buried in a pile of textbooks. Neither of those hypothetical college students are doing anything wrong. The truth, however, is a combination of both extremes and everything in between.


Religious persecution a foreign concept to many Americans

The reports from areas under the dominion of the Islamic State have been shocking, to say the least, especially for any of the religious minorities facing persecution. Iraq’s largest Christian city, Qaraqosh, recently fell to ISIS militants, and if their occupation of the city of Mosul tells us anything it’s that the entire situation is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.


Clean up our throwaway culture

Couches were piled on top of each other. Love seats shoved in between made a mix of leather and suede, muted colors and cross-hatched fabric. Minor holes and tears in cushions turned into full rips from heavy rains and cold weather after previous owners left the furniture outside during the harsh winter. It's a scene from one apartment complex that is replicated near dumpsters across East Lansing.