Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Bad behavior fault of stadium guests

As a Department of Police and Public Safety employee working security at the MSU-University of Michigan game, I find Valerie Fournier's letter "'U', police should communicate more" personally offensive and full of false statements. First, to "someone who has been to every home football game for the past three years," Fournier — and other Spartan football veterans — should know better than to bring prohibited items into the stadium (which includes larger purses). Not only is it posted on, outside the stadium and broadcast on local TV, there also were security personnel warning patrons before they got to the gates.


Dignity of unborn child forgotten

In "Right to abort between woman, doctor not her legislators", Preeti Prasad claimed that through a partial-birth abortion ban, women are losing their right to "dignity." I wonder, however, where the dignity of the unborn child is in this matter? Merely because the child, or fetus, if you must, is growing in his or her mother's womb, does that mean that the child becomes a choice?


Rare chance

While the words "Superconducting Cyclotron" and "Rare Isotope Accelerator" might sound like characters from a blockbuster science-fiction flick, they actually apply to a real possibility here at MSU. The U.S.


Pacemaker Award given to liberals

Left campus is further illuminated every day when people pick up a copy of The State News. A staff of more than 150 hard workers turns out leftist stories daily, serving their contingency well.


Our veterans

On Veterans Day a year ago, the thought of beginning a war with Iraq was on the mind of many Americans.


Yes, Michigan

Grand River Avenue is the epitome of "cool." This street is known to East Lansing residents for its unique shopping, diverse restaurants and cultural opportunities.


Primary choice

With current economic conditions leaving just about every expenditure on the chopping block, it is not difficult to fathom our leaders going so far as to raise the ax over a basic American right such as voting.


Foreign women exploited by men

Shame on The State News. While, for the most part, The State News presents MSU students with quality, even-handed stories, I cannot fathom what on earth could have possessed it to run the story about the Russian bride Web site ("Foreign relations" SN 11/6). In what is becoming an all- too-common practice, men from first-world countries are using their financial power to buy impoverished women from the former Soviet states.


Education comes before partying

I am writing in response to the photo story "Super fans" (SN 11/7). Fortunately, this photo spread highlights an issue that I had been pondering how to bring to the attention of the institution, student body and alumni. The pride that so many students and alumni attach to MSU being a party school only further denigrates the academic credibility of our school.


Mentors neglect personal side of job

This being my second year in the dorms, I have had a lot of experience with the way things are run and how different situations are handled by the so-called authority figures. The purpose of my letter is to bring attention to the lack of authority in our resident advisers because of inadequate training and preparation.


Tissue, please

As the weather continues to get colder, sneezes and coughs are becoming the norm around campus. We all know colds and flu start infecting the area this time of the year, so here's a new idea: Take initiative and get a vaccination before you're stuck in bed with a fever and congested sinuses. The 2002 National College Health Assessment reported that 78 percent of MSU students got a cold or the flu last year.


Students, professors should create better class atmosphere

This semester, I started doing something I haven't done on a consistent basis during my college career - I started attending my classes, and I don't really know why. Maybe I was nervous about graduating and wanted to make sure I heard every word uttered from my professor's mouth.


Study proves pot not that dangerous

In response to Jeff Faler's letter regarding the dangers of marijuana use while driving ("Smoking pot does harm to other people" SN 11/05) I feel it is my duty to call him out on his ignorance. While it might be true that smoking marijuana impairs judgment, it is certainly not true that it is similar in any way to driving drunk.