Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Bashing people isn't good debate

This could be in response to Jill Schwab's ridiculous indictment of The State News ("Pacemaker Award given to liberals" SN 11/12), but in all reality, it is more in response to the general tone of the editorial page of late.


American dream harder than it looks

I recently discovered that I have been lied to by my professors, my teachers, my mentors and anyone else who told me that "if you work hard, you will succeed." If that is the case, why am I working three part-time jobs just to make ends meet?


Deceased professor was good educator

I was stunned and saddened to learn of the loss of Ruth Simms Hamilton. As a freshman, I took an interdisciplinary studies in social science course taught by Hamilton, and she really inspired me to look toward sociology as a major. I remember meeting with her during her office hours, and we must have talked for more than an hour on current events, class, her African Diaspora project and my life.


Parched policy

When the going gets tough, sometimes the tough grab a beer. It's true - just ask some college students.


Bad timing

Standing up for what you believe in should always be commended. In the case of Andrew Anthos, he should be recognized for all of his dedication to our state and country for the past 16 years. But last thing Michigan needs is to spend thousands of dollars on lighting up the Capitol building in red, white and blue.


Writer marginalizes groups on campus

Tom Amon's letter "SN Opinion Page has liberal biases" concerning The State News opinion section was patently outrageous. Amon claims that "the opinion pieces are overwhelmingly written by far-left liberals, lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender members or someone slamming conservatives." All State News readers should know that Amon's associative stereotyping of lesbians and gays as "liberals" is far from true.


Abortion procedure cruel to unborn

I think I speak for many people when I say that President Bush is more evil than Satan himself. Somehow, he manages to remain president, despite the fact that he is more diabolical than Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Carrot Top combined.


Conservatives don't argue well

This is in response to Tom Amon's letter "SN Opinion Page has liberal biases" — as well as several other letters that say, essentially, the same thing. The point of that letter, as with the others, is that The State News has a "liberal bias." Just what that means, no one knows, because the "conservative" letter writers never explain — they simply make the allegation. Instead of uttering vacuous accusations, conservatives should try to articulate a point of view or develop an argument.


Abortion wrong choice for women

In "Right to abort between woman, doctor not her legislators" (SN 11/11), Preeti Prasad stated that taking away a woman's right to choose would also take away her dignity as a woman.


Prime example

During a time when the nation is pinching its pennies, it's refreshing to know that our university's president isn't sitting on stacks of cash like others. With a base salary of $216,000 plus $69,000 in annual deferred pay, MSU President M.


Police priority should be assaults

Dear East Lansing police, After every weekend, I have to read in The State News about how you are really cracking down on noise violations and how you are improving our community.


United front

Who would have guessed that a Spartan, a Wolverine, a Bronco and a Chippewa would be four of the several representatives sitting down to talk about overpriced college degrees.