Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



One assembly

ASMSU is by no means the U.S. Congress. Although some members of MSU's undergraduate student government believe this, it should not deter representatives from restructuring the organization into a single assembly.


Woman's life not concern of public

Looking at the recent flurry of letters, you'd think Preeti Prasad had ordered the head of every child on her plate ("Right to abort between women, doctor not her legislators" SN 11/11). She didn't. The point that she made is that the ban signed by President Bush targets a procedure used in the third trimester - when abortion is only legal if a woman's life is in danger.


Math not worthless to future bosses

I read, with no small degree of interest, Mike Dunker's letter "Required classes are waste of time" (SN 11/19), regarding being required to take a remedial math course in order to graduate.


Safe communities purpose of police

I am writing in response to Jason Misleh's column "Police officers put themselves at risk, deserve 'U' respect" (SN 11/17). The purpose of police officers is to serve and protect.


Surprising end

Forget the red and green. Bring on the green and white. The reason for the season festivities should be the MSU football team, because fans have a lot to be thankful for after this year's run. After a surprisingly successful season that started with a bang, the Spartans beat Pennsylvania State University on Saturday, to finish the season with its best record since 1999.


Unfair spending

Finally. Someone has heard students' pleading for help regarding textbook costs. U.S. Rep. David Wu, D-Ore., has introduced a bill to investigate textbook costs for American students versus what international students pay for the same books. It's nice to see someone in government trying to alleviate some of the costs of attending college, which only seem to get worse every time a legislative body meets. As we found out, a chemistry book costs $130 on but less than $60 on Amazon's United Kingdom version.


Parking fines can solve budget woes

In response to the two mass e-mails sent to every MSU student and staff member the last two weeks, urging them to e-mail their state Legislature to reduce cuts made to our university, I would like to propose the following solution to the school's financial problems: more parking fines.


One easy click

Ah, the Internet. The technology that allows us to shop in our pajamas and correspond with friends with just a click of a button now will allow some citizens to exercise their American democratic rights without ever leaving the comfort of home. According to The Associated Press, the Michigan Democratic Party will allow those participating in their Feb.


Cupid's arrow might sting, but falling in love worth the shot

I was walking to class the other day, and for some reason, I kept seeing couples everywhere. One pair was on the corner of Shaw Lane and Red Cedar Road giving each other small kisses before they went their separate ways, presumably to class. A couple of months ago, if I were to see this, I would have been disgusted.


40 years later

On this, the 40th anniversary of President John. F. Kennedy's assassination, we pause to remember the life of a man who left behind a legacy.


Mushing race has bad effect on dogs

If Ed Stielstra knew the facts about the Iditarod, surely he would stay in McMillan, Mich. ("Michigan mushers"). In the Iditarod, dogs race 1,100 miles over a grueling terrain in 8 to 15 days, which is the approximate distance between Lansing and Tampa, Fla.