Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Fresh breath

Guilty until proven innocent is not the way the law should be run - and thanks to a Bay City judge, another case of such injustice has been overturned. Last week, a federal judge struck down a Bay City ordinance that required people younger than 21 to take a Breathalyzer test on demand or pay a $100 fine.


Good call

John Smith is no longer any old name on campus. It conjures images of cowboy boots, a little "magic" and a prestigious football team, and now it marks the Big Ten Coach of the Year.Head coach John L.


Women need to take responsibility

This is in response to Maria Raviele's letter "Abortion isn't easy decision for women" (SN 11/18). It is refreshing to see that the abortion supporting argument recognizes the "mental anguish" women go through when they decide to have an abortion.


Biofortification does not answer problem

Thank you for highlighting the need for more work on hunger and malnutrition in your editorial "Magic beans" (SN 11/19). However, biofortification is not the magic bullet that will rid the world of malnutrition. Biofortification is a stop-gap measure that will address only a very small portion of the malnutrition problem.



They're not scanning students' retinas or asking for thumbprints - yet. MSU officials announced Monday that they would be testing a keyless-entry system in Emmons Hall next fall.


No judicial action

The last thing we at The State News want to do is continually acknowledge the "Wolverines Pack Fudge" slogan that has offended so many people. The logo of cartoon animals participating in crude sex acts rightfully offended many members of the university community, especially those who identify as lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender or allies. The concept is ignorant and abhorrent, but the students involved should not be punished by the Department of Student Life. The T-shirts, their makers and the fliers advertising them were publicly decried by the Alliance of Lesbian, Bi, Gay and Transgender Students, the Residence Halls Association and ASMSU, MSU's undergraduate student government. Each organization called for public condemnation of the shirt by university officials. That immediate and harsh condemnation was enough for this situation; a line must be drawn before general speech, however horrible, becomes criminal. There was no specific threat made or perceived from the logo to any specific person and, therefore, the shirt is no basis for prosecution. As we said before, there should be criticism from all areas of MSU, to make sure the creators realize their actions were tasteless and will not be tolerated at this university. That has happened, and no further action should be taken.


Dome project deserves support

This is in regards to The State News opinion on the issue of lighting the state Capitol dome for Michigan one evening a year, in the colors of the nation's flag "Bad timing" (SN 11/14). Any time is the right time to pay honor and homage to people who have earned the right to be respected in tribute for their endeavors to mankind - in good times and less than them.