Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



LETTER: Black History Month is over. Where do we go from here?

Most of us, at the close of January, were probably questioning or revoking our staunch devotion to resolutions made several weeks prior, feigning our commitment to the mantra of really starting this semester off strong this time, counting the days until the ever so elusive Spring Break, or performing an intricately artful combination of the three.


Coming to MSU made me understand privilege

During my experience at MSU, I have gotten the opportunity to broaden my perspective and meet students from backgrounds different from my own. In many cases, I found students didn’t have the same opportunities I had, even though they were working just as hard.


LETTER: ASMSU aims to create mid-semester feedback system

Letter to Editor by Jason Porter It’s the middle of the semester, you’re sitting in class completely lost, but you just can’t find the courage to raise your hand and stop a 500 person class to ask a question. Whether the professor is going too fast, you can’t understand the professor, or the material the professor is presenting just doesn’t make sense, you still manage to find yourself confused. Trust me, I have been there, and so have our fellow classmates.


For summer housing, plan ahead and communicate

Last summer was my first experience living on my own outside of the dorms - the amount of freedom I'd found in East Lansing during my freshman year was something I did not want to let go of once summer rolled around.  So when my friend told me she was subleasing her apartment out for the summer while she went on a study abroad, everything felt as if it were falling into place.