Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Stereotypes not only from media

It may feel like a cliché in 2008, but it doesn’t seem without merit to critique the ongoing relationship with the media and those who find themselves influenced by it every day.


Activism harder for generation Y

While the 1960s and 1970s were full of political activism, the same cannot be said for the 1990s and 2000s. People complain that our generation is apathetic and politically unmotivated by comparison to our parents. By comparison to the baby boomers, it is true that we are not a politically active generation, however that is not a fair comparison.


New graduation rate may draw in minorities

In the midst of another tuition increase, it’s nice to receive some good news regarding MSU. Although MSU’s minority enrollment rates were slightly down in 2007, the minority graduation rate is the highest it’s been in the past 10 years, according to a report presented to the MSU Board of Trustees on Friday.


Board should think about impact of increase

Powerless — that is how most students feel when they see that the cost of tuition is constantly rising and it seems nothing can be done about it. If tuition keeps climbing at the rate it’s going, it won’t be long before students look elsewhere to pursue a higher education.


Using Blackwater in Iraq dangerous

“Mercenaries … are useless and dangerous,” runs a passage in Niccolo Machiavelli’s “The Prince,” “and if one holds his state based on these arms, he will stand neither firm nor safe.” The chapter goes on to seriously caution against the employment of mercenaries, whom the author considers “disunited, ambitious, without discipline,” and liable to change sides at the first opportunity.


Parking permit increase unneeded, unjustified

Up — that seems to be the direction the price of everything is going. As if inflated gas prices aren’t enough, when faculty, students and staff buy their parking permits next year, they’ll be paying 19 percent more than what they paid this year.


Minimum wage not enough to live on

Everything is just so expensive. The national average for a gallon of regular gas is $4. The cost of food is expected to rise by 5 percent this year — the largest increase since 1990. The housing market is struggling as people are having their homes foreclosed on faster than someone can bid on them. Unemployment rates are up and it won’t be long before our energy bills rise in cost.