Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



An Internet full of democracy

The e-communities, such as Facebook and Twitter, have played an integral role in the Egyptian revolution. During the last seven years these websites and others like them, along with the huge Egyptian blogosphere, have strengthened the opposition movement.


Snyder’s Higher Ed proposal cause for concern

In his 2012 budget proposals, Gov. Rick Snyder wants to implement a minimum 15 percent budget cut for university funding. With a cut of more than $240 million to higher education, there only is one thing left to say: This is the last straw.


Time for U.S. to cut entitlements

Summer 2010 was an ugly one for Europe. International markets halted in the wake of a sovereign debt crisis. European countries, once thought to be the example of generous welfare state, seemed to be as fiscally unfounded as those in the third world.


As regimes fall, Israel takes stage

The military junta that’s replaced ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak announced that it intends to maintain Egypt’s peaceful relationship with Israel. Egypt is one of two Arab states that officially recognize Israel.


Change comes from people, not tech

In the wake of the Egyptian revolution, the role of social media is the topic on everyone’s tongues. Protesters used Facebook and Twitter to broadcast their message and garner support for their cause.


Legislators have bigger fish to fry than K2

The rehashing of a statewide ban of K2 and other cannabislike substances is more ridiculous this time around with an added ban on products marketed as bath salts. This ban, which is expected to pass with flying colors, is a “redo” of the ban accidently undone at the end of last year.


The many faces of Valentine’s Day

When we were little, we sat at our desks writing the names of each and every classmate in our fourth-grade class on a valentine. On Valentine’s Day, we would stuff each other’s bags and boxes full of cards, candies and treats and spend the day laughing and running, fueled by our sugar rushes.


Holt crash raises tough questions

Recently, Holt High School was devastated by the loss of three young people involved in an accident that took place during the early morning hours of Jan. 30. The car was heading south down Hagadorn Road when the driver lost control and struck two trees.


The dangers of unchecked dogma

The topic of scientific laws recently came up in one of my courses. Reflecting on our discussion about the importance of having immutable laws to fall back on, I was reminded of an argument that needs greater exposure and understanding in our social conscience.


Social media can increase students’ relevance

Tweeting with a #hashtag @thesnews should be in every college student’s digital lexicon. As social media such as Twitter gain prominence, MSU students at least should have an account to stay on top of the latest in social media.


Creating a new american mindset

When Amy Chua’s “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,” a novel highlighting the ups and downs of Chinese-American motherhood, was excerpted in the Wall Street Journal last month, it created quite a stir across the country.