Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Society hosts U, national poets

Spoken words were filled with energy, emotion and rage Saturday night at the Black Poets Society event “Bum Rush the Stage” in the packed Erickson Hall Kiva.The poets blended a slew of topics including civil rights, history and relationships.


Student remembered with vigil

As Sarah McLachlan’s anthem of mourning, “I Will Remember You,” poured out across the Red Cedar River, more than 75 of Clare McCormick’s friends and family gathered Saturday night to share and celebrate memories of a life ended so suddenly.


Vigil to be held for student

Friends and family of Clare McCormick will gather Saturday for a candlelight vigil to remember her life. McCormick, a 19-year-old elementary education and child development sophomore from Alpena, was hit by a car on Chandler Road on the morning of Oct.


Case Hall government supports Rep

Despite receiving negative feedback for comments made about minorities, Case Hall government stood behind its Residence Halls Association representative at Wednesday’s meeting.Adam Raezler recently came under fire from some of his colleagues for comments published in a the group’s newsletter, RHA Today.The comment, paraphrased by LaToya Logan, director of racial ethnic and progressive affairs, read, “Adam Raezler brought it to my attention that he represents the majority of the people in his hall, whom are white, male, heterosexuals, which excludes so-called minorities.”Raezler denies making the comments, and stated in an e-mailed letter sent to a variety of student government bodies that the comment should have read, “The role of the representatives is to represent what the majority of people from your organization deem necessary and proper for and from RHA.”The remarks in question occurred Oct.


Greeks select new executive leaders

Jennifer Granholm and Dick Posthumus weren’t the only ones sweating bullets this week in elections. Members in 21 of MSU’s 29 Interfraternity Council groups selected new executive officials Wednesday night at Lafayette Square in Brody Complex. “I feel very good about the process,” said Amy Radford, assistant director of Student Life.


Voters rejected Proposal 4

ASMSU can rest easy now.Tireless efforts from several members of MSU’s undergraduate student government culminated Tuesday when Proposal 4 - a proposal they had been opposing since May - failed in the general election.The proposal would redirect about $8.5 billion obtained by the state in a 1998 settlement with tobacco companies.


Donations low for U challenge

MSU could lose more than just a football game when it goes up against Penn State next week.The ninth annual MSU-Penn State Challenge launched Monday, but officials say blood drive donations are lower than expected.“A lot of people haven’t been coming out,” said David Bosman, the challenger’s chairman.The planning committee for the challenge had estimated a collection of 1,960 pints of blood - 300 pints more than last year.Bosman said “Defending Our Title, Defending the Blood Supply,” had a low turnout Monday at Bailey Hall, Communication Arts and Sciences Building and the Red Cross Donor Room, 1800 E.


Smokers on campus down from 2000

More MSU students are choosing not to light up a cigarette compared to two years ago, according to a recent MSU study. The National Collegiate Health Assessment Survey was conducted in 2000 and 2002, and sighted a decrease of MSU smokers from 30 percent to about 20 percent.


Altar promotes awareness

It started out as just a little idea, but grew into an altar that stands nearly 10 feet tall, decorated with small skulls and red and white candles. Candy was set on the altar as an offering to ancestors, and pictures of the dead are mounted on its backboard. Education sophomore Blanca Gamino and social work sophomore Rocio Vera offered to create the altar in Baker Hall as part of an effort to promote cultural awareness about their Mexican heritage and a holiday they've celebrated since childhood - Dia de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead. The effort is supported through the Student Organization of Latino Social Workers. "It's to remember all our ancestors and those who passed away that we love," Gamino said.


Campus Briefs

Groups to sponsor parenting programs The MSU Child and Family Care Resources and the MSU Women's Resource Center are co-sponsoring a two-part parenting series.


Speaker to discuss Middle East, cakes

Lyman Briggs School is presenting a guest speaker at 7:30 p.m. today in C-106 Holmes Hall.Edward Burger, a mathematics professor at Williams College, will be hosting a presentation called “The Texas Cake Cutting Massacre: Can Conflicts be Resolved by Making Piece?”The lecture will discuss negotiating skills and the Middle East, relating the ideas to cakes.


Assassin game alarms police

Student groups on campus are playing a game that is causing others to call the police.The game is called a variety of names, including “Assassins” and “game of elimination.”About five MSU police officers approached Criminal justice freshman Michael Klopp and two friends were after they were seen walking into Akers Hall with what was thought to be a handgun last week.A Capitol Area Transportation Authority bus driver reported the situation.


U.S., China seek to develop Web-based language learning

Imagine playing video games for hours, and as a result, gaining the ability to speak Chinese fluently.An MSU professor says the idea is in development.Yong Zhao, associate professor of educational psychology, is leading the design on a new platform that will incorporate teaching Chinese in the United States.


Penn State, U battle in blood drive

Plates full of cookies and jugs of juice were placed on a table in the Bailey Hall lounge Monday. Red and blue lawn chairs were strategically placed around the rest of the room as American Red Cross workers in white lab coats patiently waited for students to come in and donate blood. The ninth annual MSU-Penn State Blood Challenge began Monday and will run until Nov.


Family Funk

She’s already a racial ethnic student aide at Hubbard Hall, working an outside job and taking 15 credits toward her criminal justice degree. Now add to sophomore Faye Higgs’ schedule: four hours of practice, five nights a week. “I have 300 black students to be there for, 20 meetings a month and an outside job,” she said. But Higgs said it’s worth it to be a dancer in the 12th annual Fake the Funk at the Breslin Center, where more than 9,000 cheering attendants checked out her moves Saturday evening. “It’s time-consuming,” she said.