Students who were upset about a sexually charged T-shirt distributed on campus said they would like to drop the charges they filed with university officials if they are permitted to educate the shirtmakers.A flier advertising for T-shirts bearing the phrase "Wolverines Pack Fudge," accompanied by an explicit cartoon, was distributed on campus in October, before the MSU-U-M football game.Three members of Respecting Individuals on Neutral Ground, or RING, a caucus of the Alliance of Lesbian, Bi, Gay and Transgender Students, went to university officials to file a complaint against the students who sold the shirts.Two students involved in the production and sale of the T-shirts, biomedical science junior Carmen Peter and economics junior Charlie Peck, were unable to be reached for comment Sunday.Joseph Doss, who said he hosted Web space for the site that distributed the shirts, said he did not have any part in the creation of the merchandise and hosting the Web site is not a punishable offense.University officials said Doss was in violation of policies that keep students from posting fliers except in areas designated by the university and from selling merchandise in residence halls, which also includes MSU-granted Web space.Doss said his only hand in the matter was as a host to the site, which is only linked through his MSU Web site."I wouldn't host anything that I wasn't paying for," Doss said.