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MSU Department of Management chair, former chair accused of discrimination in lawsuit

August 9, 2024
A Michigan State University sign on Beal Street on Aug. 23, 2019.
A Michigan State University sign on Beal Street on Aug. 23, 2019.

A former professor in Michigan State University’s Department of Management says the department chair and his predecessor racially discriminated against her for years. 

Rozmina Jaffer, an assistant professor in the department’s Management, Strategy and Leadership Program from 2015 to 2022, is suing MSU, the Board of Trustees and Department of Management Chairperson Kent Miller. She says she faced discrimination, then was retaliated against for raising concerns.

“She loves MSU,” said Jaffer’s attorney, Brian Farrer. “This lawsuit was a last resort and she wants to get justice for what she feels like is a culture of discrimination within that department.”

An MSU spokesperson declined to comment, citing ongoing litigation. Miller did not respond to requests for comment.

Jaffer, an Asian woman who was born in Uganda and is of Indian descent and ethnicity, was the only non-white person in the Management, Strategy and Leadership Program, according to the lawsuit. 

Don Conlon was appointed chair of the department shortly after Jaffer was hired. Conlon was “hostile” to Jaffer and reduced the number of credits she taught, while showing favoritism towards her white colleagues, according to the lawsuit. 

Conlon, who has since died, is not named in the lawsuit.

When Miller replaced Conlon as chair in August 2021, he “continued the racially-hostile working environment that was initiated by Conlon,” according to the lawsuit.

Miller refused to give Jaffer an office key, preventing her from accessing the main office and faculty lounge. He also refused to give her an office or let her use the coffee machine, according to the lawsuit.

Miller was disrespectful and dismissive of Jaffer during faculty meetings, and often gave her unwarranted performance criticisms, according to the lawsuit.

Miller would recommend Jaffer’s non-Asian colleagues for better teaching assignments and pay, according to the lawsuit.

Jaffer complained to Miller that he was discriminating against her in September 2021. She also asked Miller why her appointment had been significantly reduced and compared to her white colleagues who were being paid at a higher appointment percentage, according to the lawsuit.

Miller told Jaffer it was “because she was not a good fit for the department, even though plaintiff had excellent performance,” according to the lawsuit.

Shortly after, Miller cut the number of courses Jaffer taught, reducing her pay by nearly 50%, according to the lawsuit.

After Jaffer complained that Miller’s decision was retaliation, he fired her in July 2022.

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