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Students react to amendment allowing game-day alcohol sales on campus

August 31, 2023
<p>MSU fans in the student section during the game against Wisconsin on October 15, 2022. The Spartans beat the Badgers 34 to 28.</p>

MSU fans in the student section during the game against Wisconsin on October 15, 2022. The Spartans beat the Badgers 34 to 28.

As football season approaches, Spartan fans may soon be able to grab an alcoholic beverage while cheering their favorite team, thanks to a new bill signed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

Michigan State University Board of Trustees approved a campus policy allowing sports vendors to sell alcohol during events. The university can now apply for licenses with the Liquor Control Commission. It aims to have licenses for this fall’s home football games on Sept. 16, Sept. 23, Oct. 21 and Nov. 4.

With MSU being a Big Ten school, sporting events are loved by many students, who feel that the university made the right choice.

Chemistry education senior Rylee Warner said other Big Ten schools experienced a decrease in alcohol-related incidents when alcohol sales were implemented. However, Warner said this new policy wouldn’t affect her as much even though she will be of legal drinking age by MSU's first football game.

“I think the policy will maybe cause drinks being thrown in the air when we score a touchdown, so bring a rain poncho,” Warner said. “But I’m definitely all for it due to the (safety) statistics and data of other schools.”

Human biology junior Ryan Mann said the funds from the sales could potentially affect campus life and the student body

“I see it as a great way to make more money,” Mann said

Seeing as most students on college campuses aren’t of legal drinking age, accounting sophomore Francisco Hernandez said the Board of Trustees' decision shows that MSU is open to new ideas and those who are able to participate in responsible drinking now have something to look forward to.

“I think it’s a move that supports fans, although I can’t drink myself because I’m not of legal age,” Hernandez said. “I think it has a positive effect with the fact they have a new privilege.” 

In addition to ensuring that the campus environment is safe, Hernandez said, having access to alcohol during game days increases responsibility within the community itself. He also said customers should have limits in consuming alcoholic beverages on campus

Mann said a con of having alcoholic beverages on campus is that fans could get more aggressive and violent.

Some underaged students have access to fake identification to use at multiple restaurant bars around East Lansing. Hernandez said he has faith that MSU will perform safety measures to ensure that beverages are being sold to those of legal drinking age. 

MSU deputy spokesperson Dan Olsen said venue staff will be trained to serve alcohol safely, not over-serve customers and spot fake IDs. 

“I know the university will be ensuring that there’s no way a fake ID can work,” Hernandez said. “I also think it’s unlikely that you will see drink sharing amongst students. I’m sure MSU will enforce a preventative measure whether that would be wristbands.”

Hernandez said he’s proud MSU has trust in its fans

“The policy kind of increased my level of trust for the university,” Hernandez said

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