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March for Our Lives MSU to write letters of hope to Nashville

April 10, 2023
<p>The Communication Arts and Sciences Building on March 25, 2019.</p>

The Communication Arts and Sciences Building on March 25, 2019.

March for Our Lives MSU, or MFOL, plans to write letters of hope and healing for students and staff of the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee on Tuesday, April 11 in the room 175 of the Communication Arts and Sciences building at 6 p.m.

MFOL co-president Joseph Kesto said the idea sparked from Louisiana writing letters to MSU following the tragic events on Feb. 13. 

“Since the Nashville shooting happened, it would be a good way for us to give back what Louisiana gave to us,” Kesto said. “Also, I feel like Nashville needs to know that you aren’t going through it alone, and you have our love and support from Michigan.” 

MFOL's purpose is to bring the MSU community together to share love and support for the Nashville community and give back to a community in hurt

“I hope that students realize how big of an impact they have after this event,” MFOL member Charlotte Plotzke said. “The more people that show up, the more letters are written and the more hope we can bring to the community.” 

Submissions can be sent in via Instagram @mfolmsu or dropped off during the letter-writing event in the Communication Arts and Sciences building.


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