Saturday, July 27, 2024

What to do if your ID can't unlock campus buildings

March 14, 2023
<p>Biker and Dog walker on Campus. Taken on January 24, 2023</p>

Biker and Dog walker on Campus. Taken on January 24, 2023

After Michigan State University introduced a new policy requiring ID cards to access academic and residential buildings from 6 p.m. to 7 a.m., students are already struggling to adapt.

MSU deputy spokesperson Dan Olsen said the issues students are facing could either be in the hardware or software of their ID cards.

For hardware issues like chip failures —  where the card is tapped on the censor but doesn’t beep at all — students can go to the ID office and get a new card at no cost. The office is open 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. during the week or can be reached at IDOffice@MSU.EDU.

If students are having software issues — where the censor beeps and flashes red indicating that they don’t have access to the building — they can email DPPS.SecuritySVCS@MSU.EDU to request access.

While the ID Office allocates and replaces IDs, it cannot reprogram them to allow access to the newly locked buildings.

Human biology sophomore and ID Office employee Addy Walia said he worries the system will lead to confusion and congestion in the ID office as students adapt.

“We're probably going to see a lot of people coming in ... asking why their card isn't working,” Walia said. “The problem is we don't deal with door access.”

Walia says the week after spring break already sees increased wait times at the ID Office as many students tend to “leave their cards at home or on vacation.”

Administration reporter Vivian Barrett contributed to the contents of this article.

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