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Gov. Whitmer declares March 1 as Paczki Day

March 1, 2022
<p>Paczki from Groovy Donuts on March 1, 2022. </p>

Paczki from Groovy Donuts on March 1, 2022.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer declared Tuesday, March 1, 2022, as Paczki Day to honor Michigan’s Polish community. 

“Every year, Michiganders across our state line up at the crack of dawn at bakeries, big and small, to buy paczki on ‘Fat Tuesday’ or as it has also come to affectionately be known, ‘Paczki Day’,” Whitmer wrote in the proclaimation. 

In the certificate of proclamation, Whitmer explains that Polish immigrants have made “invaluable contributions” to the state of Michigan and noted that the city of Hamtramck has been home to the Polish community in Michigan for decades, describing it as a “thriving cultural and culinary landscape that continues to flourish today.”

“Fat Tuesday,” or “Paczki Day” is a tradition for many Michiganders, including Catholics, who celebrate the day before Lent as a day of indulgence before 40 days of fasting. 

Nicole Morris and Lisa Eldred sat outside of Groovy Donuts with a six-pack of paczki and coffees. 

The two co-workers have kept up their tradition of getting paczki on Fat Tuesday for nine years, even though transitions between remote and in-person work. 


Lansing is home to some of Michigan’s best paczki, and Quality Dairy, Strange Matter and Groovy Donuts offer a variety of delicious options. 

Paczki are a donut-like, yeast pastry filled with a fruit or creme filling. The fillings are traditionally made of prune, but can often be found in raspberry, lemon or custard varieties. 

Quality Dairy locations all around Lansing welcomed customers with a sign that read, “Paczki are here!” 

Other than the standard fruit-filled flavors, student-favorite Quality Dairy offered a banana creme flavor and a Death by Chocolate flavor. In favor of their typical donut case, a massive rack of paczki stood by the entrance for customers to help themselves. 

Groovy Donuts had people lining up for their paczki as most of their regular donuts were replaced with the pastry. Groovy also offered several options for vegan customers, as well. 

Strange Matter was out of paczki by 11 a.m., selling through a whole baker's rack of peach, lemon raspberry and plum paczki, among others, with several vegan options, as well.  

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