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Positive meningitis case confirmed in East Lansing

January 27, 2022
<p>Downtown East Lansing on July 17, 2020.</p>

Downtown East Lansing on July 17, 2020.

At least one confirmed case of meningococcal meningitis has been identified in East Lansing, according to an email sent out to MSU students, faculty and staff on Jan. 27.

The infected individual was a University of Michigan student and had attended an event at Club Rush hosted by Sigma Beta Rho fraternity on Jan. 22. The event was attended by an estimated 250 participants.

A joint statement from Ingham County Health Department and Michigan State University released on Jan. 27 advised those who may have been exposed to immediately begin antibiotic treatment.

The recommended treatment is being offered for free via a partnership between MSU and ICHD. Those who believe they have been exposed can retrieve their free treatment on the third floor of the MSU Union from 1-5 p.m. on Jan. 28 and Jan. 29.

No MSU students have shown symptoms of meningitis as of the date of publication, according to the release.

Those who are not vaccinated for meningitis can are encouraged to do so. They are available at Olin Health Center or Ingham County Health Department.

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