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Men's basketball game against No. 5 Iowa postponed due to COVID issues

January 13, 2021

The Michigan State men's basketball's (8-5) game against the No. 5 Iowa Hawkeyes has been postponed.

The game was originally scheduled for 9 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 14 in Iowa City, Iowa. The Spartans were scheduled to travel Wednesday night.

The announcement comes from a MSU Athletic Department press release the night before the scheduled match. The decision was made based on COVID-19 issues within the Spartans' program.

“I’m really disappointed, but it just goes to prove that this can affect anyone,” Head Coach Tom Izzo said in a release.  “I feel so comfortable that me, my son and my players did everything possible and followed every protocol as best we could. I’m really, really impressed with the way they have conducted themselves. This virus does not discriminate and I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to wear a mask, wash your hands and follow protocols.”

Earlier Wednesday afternoon in a press conference, Izzo announced that freshman Mady Sissoko and sophomore Steven Izzo had tested positive for COVID-19. The two are roommates.

The release noted an additional positive test counted Wednesday afternoon, though a name has not been released to the public.

These individuals who tested positive will adhere to daily check-ins with the athletic training staff and isolate from the remainder of the team. Per Big Ten protocols, they must sit out of competition for 17 days.

The Spartans are set to host the Indiana Hoosiers (8-5) at noon on Jan. 17 at the Breslin Center. This game will be broadcast on CBS. However, this could change.

There has been no reschedule date given for the MSU-UI matchup. The schools will work with the conference to identify further options.

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