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Sen. Bernie Sanders hosts virtual 'Get the Vote Out' rally with Michigan students

November 2, 2020
<p>Sen. Bernie Sanders hosts vitual &#x27;Get the Vote Out&#x27; rally over Zoom on Oct. 31, 2020.</p>

Sen. Bernie Sanders hosts vitual 'Get the Vote Out' rally over Zoom on Oct. 31, 2020.

With the Nov. 3 election only a day away, all efforts from Democrats and Republicans are being put toward battleground states. Sen. Bernie Sanders took the stage virtually Saturday in efforts of appealing to Michigan and Wisconsin. 

Sanders hosted a 'Get the Vote Out' virtual rally over Zoom and urged young voters from the two states to cast their ballot by Tuesday, saying that they are part of the most progressive generation to ever live. 

“It is imperative that we have the largest voter turnout in the history of the state of Michigan, that people come out and say, ‘No, we cannot live with four more years of Donald Trump. We’re going to elect Joe Biden,’” Sanders said. “We are going to do everything that we can in the next three or four days to make that happen.” 

Sanders listed three reasons why especially young voters should vote in “the most important election in the modern history of America”: policy, honesty and the sake of our democracy. 

In terms of policy, Sanders said Democratic candidate Joe Biden and Republican incumbent Donald Trump could not be more opposed. He said Biden is more prepared to lead the country after what has been a chaotic 2020, specifically with policy aimed at the economy, education, healthcare, climate change, criminal justice reform, immigration reform and fighting racism.

When it comes to these issues, Sanders said Trump doesn’t acknowledge any faults within this current administration. In fact, he lies about them.

“In Donald Trump, we have a president who is a pathological liar,” Sanders said. “It may very well be that he does not know the difference between a lie and the truth, because he lies every single day about everything. And right now, because he does not believe in science, he is going around the country telling people at his rallies that we are turning the corner on the COVID-19 pandemic.” 

Michigan recorded 3,792 COVID-19 cases Saturday, setting a single-day record for reported cases since the pandemic began in March.

But even as cases continue to soar, Sanders said one of the greatest reasons to vote is to “retain democracy in this country.” 

“You know, a lot of presidents have run for re-election. Some have won, some have lost,” Sanders said. “But no president, when asked whether he would leave office if he lost the election, no president responded the way Donald Trump is (responding).” 

“And he said, ‘Well, we’ll see.’ No, you’re not going to see. In a democracy, if you lose an election, you don’t stay in office.” 

Sanders claimed Republicans are suppressing the vote by constructing roadblocks for young, working and marginalized voters and by making it hard for states to count mail-in ballots. 

In Michigan, you can register to vote all the way through election day. You can also vote early by requesting an absentee ballot at your city clerk’s office. Sanders encouraged young voters to check with their family and friends about their plans to vote, even if it may be uncomfortable. 

“It’s kind of awkward sometimes to say, ‘Hey, did you vote? You didn’t vote? You got to get out and vote. I’ll go with you,’” Sanders said. “Yeah, it was kind of uncomfortable doing that.” 

“But I would hope that all of you realize that it is more important for you to be uncomfortable today than uncomfortable on Wednesday morning if you find out that Donald Trump won Michigan by a handful of votes.”

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