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New ELPD Chief Kim Johnson gives insight, shares goals for the department

October 20, 2020
<p>Kim Johnson of the East Lansing Police Department started his new role as chief this month. Shot on Oct. 13, 2020.</p>

Kim Johnson of the East Lansing Police Department started his new role as chief this month. Shot on Oct. 13, 2020.

Newly appointed East Lansing Police Department, or ELPD, Chief Kim Johnson said he hopes to focus on the community as he begins his position. 

Johnson started as chief Oct. 5. His first goal was getting to know the command staff. 

"That was my first priority because I believe in a team concept," Johnson said. "We can only do so much with how far the team takes us. And I can't do it alone."

Johnson earned his bachelor's degree in criminal justice at Michigan State. After graduating, he began working at ELPD in 1982 and stayed with the department and retired as a captain in 2012.

Johnson returned to MSU during his time with ELPD to get a master's degree in adult education. 

"With everything going on in the community, I still had an interest in police work, and the police chief job opened up here in East Lansing," Johnson said. "I went ahead and I applied for the chief job. I was very fortunate to return this week as their police chief."

Additionally, Johnson wants to connect ELPD officers with the community on a more proactive basis. He hopes the community and police can get to know each other better. 

"We cannot demand trust from anybody, so we have to prove who we are," Johnson said. "Hopefully, these relationships are proactive in nature."

The areas that Johnson plans for more community outreach include neighborhood watch, student rental districts, local business and religious congregations. Specific plans or events haven't been arranged due to Johnson just beginning his position. However, community outreach is a critical priority for him. 

"We're going to engage as much as possible and make sure we hear what the community's saying about what their needs are," Johnson said. 

Recently, ELPD decided to hire two social workers within its police force. Johnson said they will help the department connect to the community in different venues.

ELPD came under fire last February following excessive force investigations. In a deleted Facebook post, Uwimana Gasito said ELPD assaulted him while he was recording the officers, whom he believed were unlawfully arresting his friend. Following a brief investigation, ELPD found the investigation to have inconclusive evidence later that month. 

ELPD sent an internal investigation to Michigan State police on March 11 for a potential criminal investigation. However, the state police exonerated the officer involved in the case just two months later, in May.  

Data requested by the East Lansing City Council revealed disproportionate officer-initiated contacts based on race. Johnson said ELPD has been completing training in response. 

Johnson said he plans to continue diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, but said he can only look forward with his position. 

In the upcoming weeks, he said he will attend diversity, equity and inclusion discussions alongside ELPD officers and staff. 

Leading up to the first East Lansing Study Committee on an Independent Police Oversight Commission meeting, Johnson said the concept is new to him. 

"Any input that we can gather from either commissions or committees or the public or whatever else, we're always going to be open to listening, and maybe implement things that may work for us," Johnson said.

As Johnson begins his role as police chief, he asks for patience. He also added what needs to be changed: Will.

"Things don't change overnight," Johnson said. “We're planning on engaging the community, and I just ask people to be patient. Hopefully, they'll see some results in months and years to come." 

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This article is part of our Halloween print edition. Read the entire issue here.


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